If you don't have enough space for sunflowers in your garden, you don't have to do without them. Sunflowers also thrive in pots and tubs. Only the right varieties are important.
We know sunflowers. They like to stand in gardens and front yards, tower over bushes, rose bushes and sometimes well over fences and hedges. Their heads tilt towards the sun and it almost seems as if they are greeting the sun in the morning and saying goodbye in the evening.
But sunflowers don't necessarily need the garden. They also thrive in pots. Provided you follow our tips.
» Plant or grow yourself?
You can easily buy sunflowers that have already been grown and planted in decorative pots in stores. However, you also have the option of sowing sunflowers yourself and growing them in pots. The seeds are available in nurseries, hardware stores and specialist shops. Of course you can also collect sunflower seeds from the garden and sow them in the flower pot.
However, the joy of the flower will only last a short time unless you grow the plant directly in a large container. The smaller varieties are more suitable for flowerpots on the windowsill or on the kitchen table:
- Pacino - fully grown, it reaches a height of about 30 centimeters (e.g. here)
- Teddy bear - at forty centimeters, this sunflower is suitable for medium-sized pots (e.g. here)
- Big Smile - this variety represents the garden sunflower. The flower is sunny yellow and has a black circle in the middle. Height of growth: up to 30 centimeters
- Sunspot - this species already grows up to 60 centimeters high and has a large flower. Suitable for large flower pots and tubs (e.g. here)
You don't need much to sow. A sufficiently large flower pot with a drainage opening, potting soil and a bowl that catches the excess watering are all you need. You can certainly grow several plants together in one pot. Just remember that in this case you need a larger pothave to choose. If the pot is too small, you will have to repot the plant, which can damage the sunflower. After all, sowing is very simple:
1 Fill the flower pot with soil. If you are able to create a drainage, we recommend this option. To do this, place stones, a little Styrofoam, potsherds or gravel on the bottom of the pot.
2 Fill the potting soil directly onto the drainage. Compost, which you can mix with ordinary potting soil, is definitely suitable as potting soil.
3 Now the seeds come into play. Depending on the pot size, put between two and ten seeds in the ground. Choose to sow in pairs. Since usually not all seeds germinate, this procedure later results in a pleasant growth pattern. Simply press the seeds into the ground.
Now all you have to do is water the plant.
» From seed to plant
Sunflower seeds need a lot of water to germinate. Therefore, you should water the plants regularly and a lot. We recommend an interval of two days unless the soil dries out. The sunflower needs constantly moist soil to germinate and produce seedlings.
As a rule, you will see within eight days whether your work has been successful. As soon as you discover the first tender plants, wait a few more days so that they can develop. Depending on how many seeds have sprout, you must now carefully remove individual seedlings from the pot and place them in their own pot:
4 The seedlings are planted about 2.5 centimeters deep in the loose soil. A distance of ten centimeters is recommended so that they have enough space to thrive.
5 Continue watering both the newly planted seedlings and the first planted seedlings regularly.
6 The watering interval increases once the plant has reached a height of a foot.
» Location for the sunflower
Actually known as a typical garden plant, the sunflower also prefers a bright and sunny location in the plant pot. If possible, choose a windowsill that gets sunlight most of the day.
Caution: The sunflower is not sensitive to the sun and does not tolerate shade. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the leaves do not come into contact with a window pane, as the heat development is too great.
» Caring for the sunflower in the pot
Light and water are the two elements that a sunflower cannot do without - that also appliesfor the potted plants. Always make sure that the soil does not dry out and water mature plants daily. If you give too much water, your drainage or the drain of the pot will come into play.
It is advisable that you feed sunflowers with a nitrogenous fertilizer on a weekly basis. This does not necessarily have to be artificial, manure made from stinging nettles, horn shavings or compost are also suitable for supplying nutrients.
» Warning: The sunflower seeds of the small varieties are not edible due to the way they are cultivated, which is often accompanied by the addition of hormones. You can therefore easily use artificial fertilizer.
Your sunflower does not need any further care. You don't even need to remove faded flower heads, as they will continue to ripen on the stem. The only reason you should use scissors is to dry the buds. To do this, remove the flower before it has fully opened.