Mealybugs on cacti - How do you fight them?

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If you have cacti at home, you don't need to take care of them unless you've discovered mealybugs on the cacti.

Cacti are undemanding

Cacti are popular plants because they are usually quite undemanding and need little water. So you can go on vacation without having to water them regularly. There are also many cacti that come up with beautiful flowers. If you are so easy to care for and prickly, nothing can harm you so quickly - you think. But cacti also have natural enemies. The so-called mealybug occurs here, especially in winter.

Mealybugs on cacti

Mealybug is also often called mealybug. It belongs to the scale insects. It is small and white and feeds on the sap of cacti. If you have discovered mealybugs on your cacti, you should first remove them with a disused toothbrush. Then add 20 milliliters of spirit and 15 milliliters of neutral soft soap to one liter of water. Dissolve the whole thing and spray your cacti with it so that they are dripping wet. You should repeat this procedure every few days. This will render the lice harmless and put them back in peace.