If you don't just plant your garden as an ornamental garden, but also as a kitchen garden, you will certainly try to sow or plant lettuce.
You can get things wrong with seeding
Planting lettuce is usually not difficult, but it can be disappointing if you don't stick to certain tips. Because you can definitely do some things wrong, even if many people don't believe it at first. We have written down everything you should consider when sowing lettuce.
Sowing lettuce - That's how it's done
Lettuce, especially the fast-growing cut lettuce, needs a sufficient distance from each other. This is very important. And this is how you proceed when sowing lettuce:
» Sow in a row. It doesn't matter if the seeds are very close together. Some do not develop at all, and those that are too narrow after reaching about 5 centimeters in height are removed.
» There should be a distance of at least 20, preferably 25 centimeters between the lettuce plants. As a result, the individual plant receives more light and has enough space to grow. The advantages: The leaves get bigger and, above all, they don't develop any bitter tastes.