The dogwood is an impressive ornamental shrub that can also be planted as a hedge. We reveal here exactly what to look out for.
Many hobby gardeners have discovered the dogwood (Cornus) as an enchanting ornamental tree for their own garden. Who cares? After all, this shrub is a beautiful eye-catcher with its variety of varieties and special coloring. Its leaves are striking and give the shrub an enchanting charm. The flowers appear rather modest, showing white or greenish-yellow hues. A lush flowering dogwood looks quite impressive. If you are considering planting a dogwood, here are some tips on location and soil conditions.
Dogwood - location with enough space
The dogwood is very frugal. A sunny but also semi-shady location is sufficient for him. However, some strains will reach a respectable height and width during their growth. It is therefore important to plan for sufficient space when planting this shrub.
What else should you pay attention to:
- The soil on which you plant dogwoods must not be extremely damp or even wet, otherwise there is a risk that the roots will rot. Well drained and dry soil is best.
- If the soil is damp, you can use a drainage layer.
Some varieties require a loamy or clayey soil that can retain a certain amount of moisture. Ask your nursery gardener or specialist salesman in the garden center what are the requirements for the location for your dogwood.
Planting Dogwood in Spring or Fall
If you plant dogwood, you can count on the fact that it will be a few more years before the dogwood shows its first flowers. In addition, he needs a growth from two meters high.
» Tip: Therefore, buy older and therefore larger plants from a tree nursery or a well-stocked garden center.
When and how to plant correctly?
- You can plant the dogwood both in spring and in autumn.
- As planting distance tothe existing shrubs, assume half the height that the adult dogwood will be
- Dig a planting hole three times the size of the root ball and mix the excavation with well-rotted compost.
- Before you plant your shrub, put the plant ball in the water - until there are no more air bubbles.
- After planting, fill the planting hole, water your ornamental shrub and later cover the root area with mulch.
Combine hedge with different varietiesIf you want to plant a hedge, keep a minimum distance of one meter between the individual plants.
If you are planning a decorative hedge, then a combination of different types of dogwood is just the thing. The Siberian dogwood (Cornus alba 'Sibirica') in its most beautiful red color is ideal for this, as well as the black-barked dogwood (Cornus alba 'Kesselringii') and the yellowwood dogwood (Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea') with green-yellow bark.
In addition to an attractive privacy screen in summer, the foliage is terrific in autumn and the hedge is adorned with wonderful bark decorations in winter.
The strikingly decorative ornamental shrub enchants every hobby gardener. In addition, all kinds of birds that spend the winter in our latitudes enjoy the berries of the dogwood.