There are some houseplants that look very beautiful and are also found in many households, but they are poisonous.
Poisonous plants in the house
Many people don't know that some plants they have in the house are poisonous, but this is especially important then when there are small children in the house. So watch out! The popular poinsettia, for example, is poisonous. It contains toxins mainly in the milky juice. But even the cyclamen is not non-toxic. Here you can find the substances in the tuber. And poison can also be found in the cup primula. In sensitive people, the glandular hairs can cause allergic reactions. Also provided with poison are the flamingo flower, the Dieffenbachia, the Klivia and various types of calla lilies. The leaves in particular are poisonous here.
Read now: 10 poisonous houseplants with picture and active ingredient
Bring children to the doctor
However, with normal use, the plants pose no danger at all. However, that changes when there are children in the house. Since it cannot be ruled out that the little ones will taste the plants, caution should be exercised here. If the children have eaten parts of the plant, it is best to give them water to drink immediately and see a doctor. Otherwise, the consumption of plant parts can have serious consequences for children. So, be sure to see a doctor if your child has eaten any of these plants.