Would you like to have a garden, but unfortunately you suffer from allergies? No problem! You can still work in the garden with our tips.
Spring is pollen season and many allergy sufferers suffer from runny noses, itchy eyes and headaches. A lot can be done indoors to keep the pollen load as low as possible. For example, an air washer cleans the air and you can breathe freely. However, anyone who owns their own garden and wants to do their work there is sometimes extremely plagued. Especially since there is no allergen-free garden anywhere in the world! But it's not just the well-known pollen allergy that many a gardener struggles with in their own garden. His work is often also severely affected by an allergy to insects, fungi and spores or other allergy triggers.However, if you are affected by this problem, you can counteract this problem by following our gardening and garden design tips in the future.
9 gardening tips for allergy sufferers
➤ Tip 1 - Know allergy triggers:
Only use plants in your own garden that trigger little or no allergic reactions. It is therefore best to first have a differentiated allergy test carried out by a doctor.
➤ Tip 2 - do without aromatic plants:
You should also largely avoid scented plants, which can have a negative effect on your respiratory tract.
In addition, some plants often attract beneficial insects particularly strongly, which in turn can quickly become fatal for those who are allergic to insects. If you are allergic to insects, you should definitely avoid planting such varieties!
➤ Tip 3 - Inform neighbors about allergy:
If possible, you should also draw the attention of your immediate neighbors to your allergy problem. With a good relationship, a compromise can certainly be found that means that certain plants are not planted in the neighbor's garden either.
➤ Tip 4 - Don't do gardening in summer:
As a pollen allergy sufferer, you should do most of the gardening work in autumn and as a mushroomand spore allergy sufferers in winter and early spring, so that only a few finishing jobs have to be done during the main pollen flight, for example.➤ Tip 5 - Do gardening after rainy days/early morning:
It is best to do seasonal gardening immediately after rainy days or in the early morning, as the pollen load is then significantly reduced.
➤ Tip 6 - Mow the lawn regularly:
You should also mow your lawn regularly. This not only encourages its growth but also prevents it from flowering. As a lawn pollen allergy sufferer (hay fever), this is definitely a positive thing for you.
➤ Tip 7 - Plant thuja hedges:
If you plant thuja hedges around your property, they will filter out pollen from neighboring gardens. However, the plants can trigger eczema in people with skin allergies. And even when the thuja is cut back, small allergy triggers are released.
➤ Tip 8 - wear long clothes:
Especially if you have skin allergies, it is also advisable to wear long-sleeved clothing, long trousers and gardening gloves when gardening.
➤ Tip 9 - suitable garden plants for pollen allergy sufferers:
Garden plants that are well-suited to pollen allergy sufferers include hydrangeas, clematis, azaleas and rhododendrons. Lupins, cranesbills, irises, salvia, delphiniums and snapdragons are also considered largely non-irritating.
If possible, if you are allergic to pollen, you should switch to a rock garden with its typical types of plants, as this type of garden is considered relatively low in pollen.