Creating a compost heap - My tips

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In a large garden there is always the opportunity to create a compost heap. This isn't even that difficult if you prepare everything well.

Having your own compost heap is something really nice. Why? Because it offers several advantages! When you put kitchen and garden waste in the compost, not only do you get a good fertilizer, you also don't have to pay as much garbage fees. In addition, a compost heap is created in no time. For example, you can simply create a heap or build a wooden composter. Alternatively, you can also opt for a so-called thermal composter. These offer even more advantages than a normal compost. You can read about what these are in our article on thermal composters: an overview of the advantages of quick composters.

If you have decided on a compost, you can't just create it like that. You have to take a few things into account when doing this. For example, the location is very important and so is the stratification of the compost heap.

Tips on how to properly create a compost heap

Tip 1 - the location:

First of all, you should look for a suitable place in the garden that is not too sheltered from the wind, because if the heap cannot be ventilated, rotting can occur very quickly. It is also important that the compost heap is not permanently in the sun. It is therefore best to choose a semi-shady spot. If, on the other hand, it is a thermal composter, then it even has to be in the blazing sun.

Never place the compost heap on concrete slabs or a similarly solid surface, because the decomposers (decomposers) then have no way of getting into the heap. In addition, waterlogging would form, which in turn would lead to rot.

Additional tip:

If you want to avoid trouble with your neighbors, choose your location carefully. After all, a compost pile can smell strong. So keep enough distance to your neighbor's house.

Tip 2 - layer the compost heap correctly:

It is enough if you just put the compost on the ground. So you don't necessarily have to put a box around. It is only important that youLayer compost properly.

➤ 1st layer:

The bottom layer of the compost heap should always start with coarse material. Chop up branches, twigs and hedge clippings are very good for this, because they create oxygen for the decomposers on the ground.

➤ 2nd layer:

The second layer should then consist of denser material in order to offer a better attack surface. Garden and kitchen waste is best suited for this.

➤ 3rd layer:

The third layer should then consist of mature compost. So if you already have a compost heap, add some of the old compost to it, because it already contains the microorganisms and microorganisms that start the decomposition. Alternatively, you can also apply garden soil as a third layer.

➤ Next layers:

Then the layers should always be repeated in the order just described.

Tip 3 - Always keep the compost moist:

You must always keep the compost moist. To test if it's wet enough, just pick up a little bit. If you can form a ball out of it, it's moist enough. If not, then you need to water the compost heap a bit.

Tip 4 - Rotate the compost regularly:

In order to get usable compost soil as quickly as possible, you have to turn the compost over at regular intervals. Once a year is even mandatory, because compost should not be stored for longer than a year. It is best to turn over the compost in February, because then you can use the freshly extracted soil for sowing plants, vegetables and fruit in the spring.