A nutrient-rich soil is the basis for tasty vegetables and magnificent flowering plants. Terra Preta and Bokashi can be the key to gardening success.
Nature works in optimized cycles from which we humans can learn a lot. With the use of microorganisms, compost and terra preta, gardeners engage directly in this sequence of events. The result is the blooming life in the bed.Small miracle Microorganisms - this is how life comes into the soil
The earth is alive! Millions of microorganisms and microorganisms cavort in every handful of soil. What may sound a bit shady to some, is the secret to a lush garden and thriving veggies. The principle is the same as in our gut: Beneficial microorganisms are active there and turn our food and drink into fuel for the body. Everything that plants need to grow he althily and vigorously can be found in the soil. The little helpers that live in it provide all the substances in the perfect composition.
The communication between plant and soil works perfectly
Plants release certain messenger substances into the soil via their roots in order to signal which nutrients they currently need. The soil organisms then convert the available biological material accordingly. Of course, this only works smoothly if there are enough microorganisms in the soil. If you are not getting the desired results in your garden with flowering plants and crops, simply add the microorganisms to your soil. You can find corresponding products at Multikraft, for example. The so-called effective microorganisms are available bottled and can be used very easily.
What works on a large scale works even more on a small scale
The intensive cultivation of soils leaves them depleted and depleted, after a few years or decades of use almost nothing will grow on them. Then it is time for an extensive regeneration phase, which can last several years. A study by Dutch researchershas shown, however, that even a depleted, broken soil will recover much more quickly if it is "seeded" with a thin layer of living soil. What works in a soil like this can also work wonders in your vegetable garden!
Wonder Earth Terra Preta
Terra Preta has been on everyone's lips for several years. The Portuguese term for "black soil" refers to a fertile, jet-black soil that researchers found in the Amazon in the 1960s. This soil initially presented the curious researchers with a puzzle, because the rainforest is generally considered to be barren and poor in nutrients. Black soil, on the other hand, is incredibly nutrient-rich, allowing plants to thrive at their best.
What is the secret of this earth?
Terra Preta is not a natural phenomenon, but has arisen, perhaps by chance, over the years through the use of the jungle dwellers. It is made up of a mixture of plant remains, manure and human feces and the remains of coal from stoves. Suddenly it was known how to create a perfect earth yourself, using the simplest of tools!
One of the secrets is the charcoal it contains, which offers plenty of living space for microorganisms thanks to its large, porous surface. The black earth has become a real bestseller and inspires new gardeners every year. On the one hand, you can make it yourself or, if you want to be on the safe side with regard to the composition, you can simply buy the finished soil based on the model of Terra Preta.
How to apply Black Earth
The "good soil" can be used both outside in the beds and inside in flower pots, for both flowers and vegetables. Depending on whether the plants are heavy feeders or weak feeders, 5 to 20 liters per m² of bed are worked into the surface, a little more in sandy soils. Loamy soils can be enriched with black soil in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is also possible to incorporate Terra Preta into the compost.
What does using this rich material do?
- Your plants are he althy and resistant to diseases and pests.
- The vegetables delight with their full flavor and contain all the important nutrients and vitamins.
- Yields are significantly higher than usual.
- You contribute to climate protection, because the carbon contained in the black earth binds the climate-relevant CO².
- The roots of your plants goa symbiosis with valuable mushrooms that strengthens them permanently.
- Fertilizers and pesticides kill life in the soil - black soil is pure life that will benefit you for a long time.
There are other ways to keep the soil alive - we would like to introduce one to you today.
Bokashi - the "little" compost out of the bucket
Collecting kitchen waste and letting it rot together with green waste and other organic material results in the finest humus, which is the perfect food for plants of all kinds. The whole thing is called composting and is the imitation of natural cycles on a small scale. So far, however, this has only been possible for gardeners who have a sufficiently large outdoor area at their disposal - but the solution for the window sill gardener is within reach. It's called "Bokashi", which is Japanese and means "fermented compost".
The kitchen waste is collected in an airtight bucket, inside which countless microorganisms do their work. In this way, a rich fertilizer can be produced in the smallest of spaces, which, in contrast to a classic organic waste bin, does not spread an unpleasant odor. All you need is a suitable bucket, effective microorganisms and organic material, which, however, is available in sufficient quantities in every kitchen.
You see, successful gardening is no secret - all you need is well-fertilized soil that provides all the nutrients your plants need.