The cake tree can be propagated by seeds. However, there are a few things to consider when proceeding so that the propagation is crowned with success.

Japanese cake trees (Cercidiphyllum) are truly exotic in our gardens. The ornamental plants have a particularly striking autumn color and the foliage exudes a scent reminiscent of caramel and gingerbread. The propagation of the cake tree requires some skill and patience and is unfortunately not always crowned with success.
If you want to multiply your cake tree, you can only do this with seeds. We would like to explain to you in more detail how this works.
The Seed of the Cake Tree
Cake trees are bisexual plants. Pollination is done by the wind. Unfortunately, the cake trees are quite rare in our latitudes and wind pollination is therefore a great rarity. If it does happen, the hobby gardener will recognize this from the curved legumes that appear in autumn and contain the seeds. Since Mother Nature can hardly be relied on in German gardens, it makes sense to buy the seeds of the cake tree.
Many seeds - no guarantee
Cultivation from commercially available seeds can also be problematic. At first, the home gardener will probably be surprised that pack sizes of between 50 and 100 seeds are common. This initially lacks any logic, if you really only want to grow a little seedling. If you take a closer look at the packs, notes regarding the germination rate often appear. This is usually given as 50 percent for commercially available seeds. However, this statement is only true when it comes to fresh seeds. After just four months, this rate drops to around 7 percent and unfortunately it can happen that older packages do not contain a seed that is ultimately germinable and produces a new plant.
What should be considered when propagating the cake tree?
The seeds should not be sown directly outdoors. Indoors, on the other hand, the seeds are quite easy to grow. First, the seeds are placed in a jar for about seven days andstored in the refrigerator. This is to encourage germination. The seeds are then placed in small plant pots filled with a mixture of soil and sand. The seeds are only lightly covered with soil. Good heat storage can be ensured by covering the planters with a foil hood.
» Tip: Air the plastic hoods daily to prevent mold from forming.
The plant pots should be placed in a light location and it is always important to ensure that the substrate does not dry out. At temperatures around 20 degrees, the seeds need about three to four weeks to germinate. When the young plants have grown about five centimeters, they are pricked out and moved to individual pots. By the time the young cake trees can be transplanted outdoors, they should have reached a growth height of around 50 centimeters and the plant should have spent the winter indoors. The following spring, the small cake tree can then be planted in its outdoor location.
Find the right substrate
The gingerbread trees are quite demanding when it comes to the right substrate. The plants prefer a sandy clay soil. Alternatively, a stony clay soil can also offer ideal growth conditions. In any case, the soil should be well drained, because the plant does not get waterlogged. A layer of mulch can be applied so that the soil stores the water for as long as possible. If there is good drainage of the water, you can also pour it overflowing.
The soil can be upgraded with compost. The pH should be between 5 and 7. Therefore, the plant also tolerates a slightly acidic soil.
» Tip: Be careful not to plant the young trees too close to the roadside, as the plant is sensitive to soil compaction.
What to do after cultivation?
During the germination period, the seedlings should be kept under their protective foil or glass. In order to avoid mold formation, care should be taken to frequently air the container. The young plants like a light location, but should not be in full sun. When it is time to prick out the young plants, this should be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots.
Caring for young cake trees
The young plants need a lot of water to grow well. It is also important to ensure that the humidity is high. This is achieved by spraying the leaves frequently. If the trees get too little moisture, they showthis is clearly indicated by the leaves hanging down. It should be watered daily, especially on hot days.
The growth of the cake trees can be stimulated by introducing compost when planting in the spring. With this natural fertilizer, the plant is usually sufficiently supplied with nutrients in its first year.