Mobile Chicken Coop: Benefits of Housing on Four Wheels

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Mobile chicken coops are becoming increasingly popular. No wonder, because there are several advantages to being able to change the location of the chicken coop at will.

Only the rarest families have a Sunday breakfast without an egg. Somehow it's just part of it and it's delicious on top of that - especially when it comes from your own chicken coop, because then you know exactly what you're eating there. It is not for nothing that organic products are becoming more and more popular. This is also what a study by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection found out. In 2012, more than 22 percent ate organic products frequently or exclusively. However, these are not exclusively bought organic foods. If the situation permits, they even keep animals and grow vegetables themselves - after all, there are no better organic products.

In view of these aspects, it is of course not surprising that chicken keeping is increasing. The animals generally do little work and you can benefit from fresh eggs and later delicious meat. Anyone who decides to keep chickens must also inevitably think about a stable. In addition to a purchased or self-built chicken coop, you also have the option of setting up a mobile chicken coop. This offers significantly more advantages than a standard model. I would like to explain to you exactly what these are.

Advantages of mobile chicken coops

Advantage 1: turf is protected

Chickens like to pick the green from the meadow. The longer and more intensively they are active on a lawn, the more vulnerable the turf becomes. Because at some point she can no longer recover. What is left is a bare fallow area that no longer produces greenery.

With a mobile chicken coop, you have the option of making another area available at any time, completely stress-free and comfortably. With this so-called alternating grazing principle, the lawn areas used always have time to recover.

Advantage 2: Always green available

If you offer your chickens a mobile chicken coop and move it around regularly, you always have fresh chickengreen available. According to the experts from, the greens are absolutely necessary for the chickens so that they can meet their nutritional needs.

You benefit too, because high-quality foods increase the quality of the eggs.

Advantage 3: parasite infestation is minimized

Chickens that enjoy the benefit of free range can easily become infested with parasites. This is done through the faeces of the chickens. They take this with them when they look for food. The risk is particularly high on bare lawns.

However, if you change the standing places regularly, the soil can also recover from chicken droppings and the chance of parasite infestation is reduced. Parasites in chickens have a negative impact on egg production. The quality of the eggs and meat also suffers. You can find good tips against various parasites at

Advantage 4: Less mud

If the outdoor pen is heavily used by the chickens and the lawn has been pecked away, then the area is surrounded by mud. This is not only extremely unpleasant for the owner, but also for the animals.

This cannot happen with the mobile chicken coop. Provided you move the barn around regularly.

Planning permit for mobile chicken coops?

You do not need planning permission for a mobile chicken coop, unlike normal standard chicken coops. However, you should find out in advance from the responsible building authority (list at to what extent there are regulations regarding

  • Limits and Maximums
  • Minimum distance to neighboring property
  • Barn Size

there. This is often handled differently in the individual areas. You will also find out there whether you have to meet other requirements.

Types of Mobile Chicken Runs

If you choose a mobile chicken coop, you don't necessarily have to buy one. You also have the option of converting a construction trailer or a shepherd's cart. These cost less used, but otherwise offer the best conditions.

Anyone who wants to and has a talent for craftsmanship can also build a mobile chicken coop themselves. Experts advise building something lighter and more stable, see This makes it easier to move the chicken coop, so a change of location is possible without any problems. However, make sure that the stable is strong enough that you can easily transport it back and forth without fear of it falling apartfalls.