If you want beautiful and he althy plants, you have to pull weeds regularly so that weeds don't make life difficult for the plants.
If you want he althy plants that are beautiful to look at, you should remember to weed regularly . This not only has something to do with the optically beautiful view of a well-tended bed, but also with the fact that flowers and co. do not die because they are crowded out by weeds.Because weeds can literally compete with other plants for their habitat. Not only above ground, but also in the ground through the spread of roots and runners. That's why regular weeding is an absolute must for anyone who wants to have he althy plants.
Personally, I prefer to use the weed pen from Wolf-Garten:
Dig up root weeds completely
Please note the following: Seed weeds, such as orchards, can be pulled out very easily. Root weeds, such as dandelions, have very deep taproots that must be completely dug up. Just severing the root here is not enough. For such deep-rooted wild herbs I use an asparagus cutter:
A layer of bark mulch or wood shavings also prevents and reduces weed growth.
Laying weed fleece
If you don't want to bend down anymore, lay out weed fleece. This prevents the weeds from growing upwards. The plants still get enough water, oxygen and nutrients. Here you should make sure that the fleece is not made of plastic but of fabric. More on this in my article Laying garden fleece
There are more tips in this video:
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