Make grave arrangements for All Saints' Day yourself - instructions for beautiful grave decorations

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On All Saints' Day it is traditional to decorate the graves and put flower arrangements on them. You don't even have to buy these. You can also make them yourself.

All Saints' Day is a religious festival celebrated on November 1st. As the name suggests, all saints are commemorated on this day. On this day, the main custom is to go to the cemetery, to visit the deceased relatives and to decorate their graves. Arrangements, which can be bought everywhere in abundance a few days in advance, are particularly popular. But why buy it when you can make it yourself? Making a grave arrangement for All Saints' Day yourself is fun, inexpensive and requires no special knowledge. You don't even need a lot of materials to do this.

You need this for a grave arrangement

❍ Floral Foam:

Grave arrangements are easiest to make yourself with floral foam as a base. The very light and relatively soft mass is available in blocks of different sizes and can also be easily cut to size if necessary.

❍ Branches:

Twigs are the be-all and end-all of the grave arrangement. If possible, use the densely overgrown tips of fir or spruce branches.

❍ Wire:

Ordinary floral wire is inexpensive and perfectly adequate for making a grave arrangement.

❍ Pliers:

You will need pincers or combination pliers to cut the wire.

❍ Knife:

If you want to cut floral foam, a knife with a long, preferably non-serrated blade is the right choice.

❍ Decoration Material:

Now your taste matters! Natural materials such as fir and pine cones, dried flowers, ferns, tree sponges and dry agave leaves are particularly popular, as are wooden figures and colored wooden balls. Especially in this often wet and cold time around All Saints' Day, these materials keep for a particularly long time.

How to make the arrangement yourself

❶ First cut the floral foam base with the knife. As a guideline for the size, you can use a diameter or an edge length of 25 to 30estimated in centimetres. The shape should be even, for example round or square. However, minor deviations are not a problem, since the floral foam will later be covered by twigs and the decorative material anyway.

❷ Now insert the branches into the floral foam in such a way that they are inclined in a circle from the center to the sides. The further inward the peg point is, the longer the branch should be, so ideally all branches end in a circular path around the base.

❸ First fix all decorative materials that do not have natural tips with wire. This works very easily with fir and pine cones by threading the wire between the individual covering scales. With straw flowers, you can simply wrap the wire around the stem. Tree sponges can be pierced.

❹ All you have to do now is place the floral foam in a pot of the same color. So your arrangement has a secure hold and cannot fall over in wind and weather.

Tricks for a tasteful grave arrangement

When distributing the decorative materials, a little tact and a sense for the right measure is required. On the one hand, the arrangement must not be so overloaded that the branches can hardly be seen. On the other hand, it shouldn't appear sad and unloving. In the pictures you can see some stylish All Saints' Day arrangements that do justice to the occasion:

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One final tip:

You should always choose one main color for your arrangement. Always use an odd number of all decorative materials. For example, a pine branch and three red grasses. This makes the arrangement look more harmonious.

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