Cornflowers - tips from sowing to harvest

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The cornflower used to be considered a field herb and was fought against. But today you see them more and more in gardens. Our tips will tell you how this can also thrive in your home.

The naturally deep blue cornflower, which is now under nature protection because it was almost wiped out by the use of herbicides in the cornfields, is finally attracting more attention in numerous garden beds and is therefore slowly recovering from its threatening situation. Especially since their Mediterranean-looking deep blue flowers stand out quite neatly among countless perennials.

This eye-catcher is now also available in specialist shops as white-flowered, pink-flowered and violet-flowered cultivars, as well as double and two-tone cultivars.

Cornflowers - tips from sowing to harvest

Select location:

You can sow cornflower seeds as early as autumn and/or spring (from around April) in nutrient-rich, preferably dry and well-ventilated soil.

» Tip:

Cornflowers thrive particularly well if you sow them in a sunny to partially shaded location.


You should only water cornflowers during longer dry periods and you must also avoid waterlogging.

Encourage multiple flowering:

The relatively easy-care cornflower usually flowers in June and lasts until October. You should then regularly pluck faded flowers to encourage multiple flowering.

Fertilize cornflowers:

During the growth phase, you should avoid fertilizers as much as possible, because cornflowers react negatively to over-fertilization extremely quickly.

» Tip:

If necessary, you should apply at most a little complete fertilizer before flowering.

Only in autumn you can work in a little compost around the cornflower, or treat the flower bed with compost before sowing and let it settle. This type of fertilization is usually completely sufficient for the cornflower.

Stabilize Cornflowers:

If cornflowers grow very tall (approx. 100 centimetres), but then as a mostly thin perennial form, you shouldstabilize the heavy flowers by using several plant sticks - loosely tie the stems to them.

Harvest Cornflower Blossoms:

Cornflower is not just a cornflower and that is why the numerous, mostly double, ornamental varieties have no healing properties. Only the natural form of the cornflower can also be used as a medicinal plant. So when you buy seeds, you should look for real cornflower seeds.

If you would like to use the cornflower as a medicinal plant, you should harvest the cornflower blossoms that have just opened and then gently dry them immediately.

» Tip:

Always store dried cornflowers in a cool and dark place to prevent the flowers from fading.

Processing cornflower blossoms:

You can use the dried cornflower blossoms to make either tea (for better digestion, but also helps with coughs), compresses for swollen eyes, a bath additive for itchy skin diseases and a facial tonic for blemished skin.

» Tip:

You can also add fresh petals individually to a salad. A wonderfully exotic salad decoration that also supports digestion.