Cyprus grass is represented worldwide in about 600 species. We would like to introduce you to the 10 most beautiful varieties for house and garden in more detail.
Most Cyprus grasses thrive in the tropics and subtropical areas. Only 27 species are native to Europe. The sauergrass family primarily colonizes swamps. The palette of Cyprus grass ranges from small cat grass on the windowsill to meter-high specimens in the bucket or garden pond. A few selected varieties are presented here in more detail.
1. Cyperus alternifolius
This is the best-known species of the plant family. Cyprus grass is usually cultivated as a houseplant and is commonly referred to as water palm. The original home of the plant is Madagascar. The not hardy Cyprus grass grows mainly in swamps or at the edge of water.
The plants can reach heights of growth of up to one meter. The narrow leaves give it a filigree and delicate appearance. Brown flowers also appear on the plant. It forms rhizomes, which branch out as the Cyprus grass ages. Older plants then form new shoots at the base of the bracts. This makes it easy to propagate the plant.
Cyperus alternifolius is vigorous and easy to care for. The Cyprus grass only needs a lot of water and wants to be at room temperature all year round. The coaster should therefore always be filled with water. However, the plant does not want to be completely submerged. Likewise, the most popular of the Cyprus grasses requires high humidity. Therefore, it is best to spray the plant with water every day. If the temperature falls below ten degrees, you must bring specimens cultivated outdoors indoors.
- most famous species
- Growing
- popular houseplant
- easy-care
- not hardy
This marsh plant can develop stalks up to a meter long. There the leaves, which can be up to 20 centimeters long, appear in clusters. The flowers are found at the tips of the leaves. Older specimens also produce fruit.When the tufts of leaves bend down and come into contact with water, roots develop between the leaves and new plants emerge.
At first glance, haspan cyprus grass is similar to papyrus. A special feature are the triangular stalks, which develop in real papyrus only at an advanced stage of growth. Initially, this variety forms only short clumps. The characteristic spherical shape only takes on older plants. The plant can easily be propagated due to the cuttings that often develop on the tips of the leaves.
- stems up to one meter long
- globular leaf tufts
- Stem cross section triangular
- forms offshoots on the stems
3. Cyperus glabor
This type of Cyprus grass is characterized by the almost round stems, which can reach a thickness of about five millimeters. The flat leaves appear umbrella-shaped. During the flowering period, small umbels appear in the middle of the leaf. This variety bears a resemblance to Cyperus alternifolius, the widespread Cyprus grass. A distinction is made by the stems, which are longer and more than twice as thick. The bobble in the middle of the leaf during the flowering period is also a good distinguishing feature. The plant also resembles papyrus, but is much smaller and has rounded rather than triangular stems.
- Growth height about one meter
- Stem cross section round
- Stems form umbrellas
- small umbels in the middle of the leaf during flowering
This variety is rather short in stature and rarely grows higher than 30 to 40 centimetres. The annual plant forms small clumps. The smooth stems are particularly sharp. Approximately the length of the stems is also reached by the leaves, which are up to five millimeters wide. The brown cypergrass forms yellow-brown fruits. These are triangular and have a spiked tip.
The brown cypergrass has a wide distribution area, which extends from Europe to the Mediterranean region and China. The plant grows on the banks of rivers or on the bottom of ponds. Germination occurs when the water level drops in summer. After the fall flood, the plant survives the winter as a seed. In Germany, the brown cypress grass occurs particularly near the larger rivers.
- not higher than 40 centimeters
- annual
- tawnyFruits
- occurring on river banks in Germany
5. Fresh Green Cyprus Grass
This Cyprus grass is native to South America. There the fresh green Cyprus grass grows persistently. If less than optimal climatic conditions are found, they can also be annual plants. The growth height is about 50 centimeters. Runners are not formed. The bare stems have a round to triangular cross-section. The inflorescence can consist of up to ten spikes. The bracts reach a length exceeding the inflorescence. The flattened spikes can contain up to 30 flowers.
The original distribution area of the fresh green Cyprus grass is in the tropical regions of South America. Occurrence can now also be observed in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. It is assumed that the fresh green Cyprus grass was introduced into the corresponding regions as an ornamental plant and was able to multiply there.
An occurrence in Europe was proven in the middle of the 19th century. The plant is mainly found near the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In 1854 the fresh green Cyprus grass was found in Hamburg. The plant is quite undemanding and prefers to thrive on the edges of ponds or rivers, but can also make do with roadsides.
- about 50 centimeters high
- does not form runners
- round to triangular stems
- undemanding and robust
- extensive distribution area
The Tall Cyprus Grass is a perennial plant that can reach impressive growth heights of almost two meters. Plants generally grow to around 1.20 meters in height. The stems are triangular in shape. Thick and long stolons are formed. The leaves lag behind the stems in length. The lower bract can reach a length of up to 50 centimeters. The inflorescences can have up to ten rays. A single branch can be about 35 centimeters long. The red-brown fruits are triangular and have a thorn tip.
The natural range of the plant is the Mediterranean. As a popular pond plant, the tall Cyprus grass impresses with its papyrus-like foliage and attractive inflorescences. The tall Cyprus grass is valued above all as a water purification plant and goes well in combination with sweet flag or water mint.
- perennial plant
- popular pond plant
- hardy
- easy-care and robust
7. Dwarf Cyprus Grass
As one of the smallest known representatives of the Cyprus grasses, this annual herbaceous plant is only about ten centimeters high. The plant grows as a cushion perennial from which the triangular stems rise. The flowers appear between July and September. Although the spikes are only about four millimeters long, you can still admire up to 20 flowers.
Dwarf Cyprus Grass loves warm, muddy soil with as little lime as possible. The dwarf cyprus grass is also popular as a green plant in the home. Many cat owners use the non-toxic plant as food for their animals. The swallowed blades of grass help the animals to regurgitate hairballs. However, if your cat nibbles on the stalks too intensively, there is a risk of gastritis. Then you should remove the plant.
- particularly small
- popular as a houseplant
- easy-care
- Use as cat grass
8. Genuine papyrus
The genuine papyrus is also one of the Cyprus grasses and, as the largest and most imposing species, can certainly enjoy a special position. With good care, the perennial plants can reach ceiling height in the room. The papyrus has its triangular stems in common with the haspan Cyprus grass. Even young plants form feathery balls on the stems. Confusion with Cyprus grass haspan can be ruled out, because papyrus has three times thicker stalks and can grow to heights of three meters and more.
Papyrus was already famous in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, the plant was not only used as a raw material for papyrus production, but also as a building material for boats. Originally, real papyrus was spread only in Africa, southwest Asia and southern Europe. The plant prefers to thrive on the banks of rivers. Within Europe, Sicily is probably the only natural distribution area.
- grows up to three meters high
- Stem cross section triangular
- tufts pinnate on stems
- popular room decorations
9. Cypris Longus
Cypris Longus is one of the few Cyprus grass species that is not affected by frost. Even in our latitudes, the plants often overwinter in garden ponds. However, potted plants are less robust and need winter protection.
The plants grow to a height of about one meter and have V-shaped leaves. The leaves reach about half the lengththe stalk. Another special feature is the triangular stem shape in cross section. The red-brown inflorescences appear in late summer. The plants prefer a loamy soil and are quite undemanding there. The fresh green foliage is an eye-catcher in every pond landscape. In addition to the shallow water zone, keeping in buckets is also popular.
- frost hardy
- robust
- popular pond plant
- Keeping also possible in buckets
10. Helper's Cyprus Grass
The characteristic of this swamp plant is its grassy growth. The narrow, light green leaves can reach a height of up to 60 centimeters. The flower umbels appear at the triangular end of the stem. Helper's Cyprus grass needs temperatures around 25 degrees and should receive plenty of light. The light green leaves appear in a rosette and spread out in tufts. This Cyprus grass is particularly attractive as a solitary plant. Up to 50 leaves can grow from a rosette.
Helfer's Cyprus grass comes from Asia and has been a preferred aquarium plant since the 1990s. Helper's Cyprus grass is the only member of the plant family that is suitable as an aquarium plant. After a short acclimatization period, the plant will thrive as the slender leaves are well adapted to aquatic life.
- Growth up to 50 centimeters
- popular aquarium plant
- Umbrella inflorescences
- easy propagation by dividing the root ball
The 10 Cyprus grass varieties and their advantages and disadvantages
Type | Advantages | Cons |
Cyperus alternifolius | ❍ easy to grow ❍ popular houseplant ❍ can be grown in a bucket | ❍ not hardy ❍ high water requirement ❍ high humidity required |
Haspans Cyprus Grass | ❍ triangular stems ❍ reminiscent of real papyrus ❍ propagation by cuttings | ❍ not hardy ❍ needs a lot of water |
Cyperus glabor | ❍ Sturdy and Sturdy ❍ Umbrella Shaped Leaves ❍ Resemblance to Genuine Papyrus | ❍ not hardy ❍ high humidity needed |
Brown Cyprus Grass | ❍ Occurrence in Germany ❍ Seed survives the winter | ❍ short stature ❍ forms no runners |
Fresh Green Cyprus Grass | ❍ rich green color ❍ popular ornamental plant ❍ easy to care forand undemanding | ❍ does not form spurs |
Tall Cyprus Grass | ❍ up to two meters tall ❍ attractive pond plant ❍ hardy ❍ perennial | ❍ high water requirement |
Dwarf Cyprus Grass | ❍ Occurrence in Europe ❍ Use as cat grass | ❍ annual ❍ needs lime-poor soil |
Real Papyrus | ❍ imposing and attractive ❍ popular houseplant ❍ triangular stems ❍ several meters high | ❍ not hardy ❍ often difficult to handle |
Cyperus Longus | ❍ hardy ❍ undemanding | ❍ Winter protection for potted plants ❍ needs a lot of water and light |
Helper's Cyprus Grass | ❍ popular aquarium plant ❍ pretty solitary plant ❍ forms offshoots ❍ fast-growing | ❍ low height |