Cyprus grass can be kept in many different ways. Either in the bed, in the garden pond or as a container plant in the house and in the garden.
The tropics and subtropics are home to Cyprus grass (Cyperus). There, the plants come in different species and can reach heights of growth of up to three meters. But only with lots of water. Because without sufficient water, the swamp plant cannot thrive. In addition, the water palm is not hardy. Cyprus grass is therefore mainly kept as a houseplant in our latitudes. Or it needs a warm and sheltered winter stand in good time. Here are the 10 most beautiful Cyprus grass varieties for home and garden.
Select the right location
The water palm needs a warm and bright location all year round. In the house, it is ideal if the window seat faces west or east. The grasses also do well in a heated conservatory. Cyprus grass can therefore stand in the sun. However, the blazing midday sun is not good for the plant. High humidity is also important. In winter, therefore, the plant does not do well in a location directly above the heating. So dry heating air is poison for the marsh plants.
The Cyprus grass also likes to spend the summer outdoors. Ideal locations are the balcony and terrace or the edge of the pond. When choosing a location, you need to look for a place that is sheltered from the wind, because the delicate culms quickly snap over in strong winds. Temperatures of up to 30 degrees are no problem for the water palm. In winter, the temperatures can be a little lower, but should never drop below ten degrees. Humidity should be at least 60 percent all year round.
Garden pond:
In the summer months, the garden pond is generally the best location for the Cyprus grass. However, only the edge of the pond or the shallow water zone are suitable as locations. The swamp plant must not be completely under water, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. So only place the plant pot about five centimeters in the water. Before doing so, place the plant in a permeable soil that is usual for pond plantsput plant basket. The Cyprus grass then obtains sufficient nutrients from the pond water so that no fertilization is necessary. However, it is important that you support the delicate stems to protect them from breaking.
Select the right substrate
Cyprus grass makes no special demands on the substrate. However, it should be possible to store moisture. This works particularly well if you use potting soil that is particularly rich in humus. Adding clay to the substrate will increase its ability to retain moisture. Since the plant tolerates waterlogging very well and even needs it for ideal growth, it is not necessary to create drainage.
If the plant gets a sunny place in the garden pond, it does not make any special demands on the substrate. Necessary nutrients are sufficiently absorbed via the pond water. However, to give the plant a better hold in the water, it is a good idea to add coarse gravel to the potting soil.
Planting Cyprus grass in the bed - step-by-step instructions
The end of April is the best time to plant the Cyprus grass in the bed. Just do the following:
- Select location.
- Dig a planting hole twice the width of the root ball.
- Place plant.
- Fill up the planting hole carefully.
- Press the soil and water well.
Keep Cyprus grass in the bucket
Cyprus grass can of course also be kept in a bucket. The planter should be of sufficient size and be particularly stable. The plants form extensive root systems in the tub and can even reach heights of growth of several meters. As a houseplant in a tub, you can plant Cyprus grass all year round. Keeping buckets has its advantages and disadvantages. An overview of these:
+ Benefits:
If you keep the Cyprus grass in the tub, you can better meet the needs of the marsh plant. You can also bring the bucket outside when the temperature is warm and bring it back into the room or conservatory without much effort as soon as the thermometer drops again.
- Cons:
Container plants have a higher nutrient requirement than species cultivated outdoors. The Cyprus grass in the bucket must therefore be fertilized. The problem: There is a risk of over-fertilization. Water palms in tubs also have to be replanted more frequently, as the roots spread very quickly in the container.
Hydroponically Growing Cyprus Grass - How To Do It Right
ThatRegular watering of the Cyprus grass can be complex and often forgotten. In this regard, maintenance will be easier if you opt for hydroponic cultivation. The plant is not placed in conventional soil, but grows in lava granules, perlite or seramis. The water level indicator can then be read from a float attached to the planter. So you can always refill the required amount of liquid. To strengthen the plants, they should be given a special fertilizer designed for hydroponics.
It is also possible to convert a water palm from potting soil to hydroponics. Just do the following:
- Remove plant from conventional soil.
- Remove potting soil as completely as possible.
- Water the root area for a few days.
- Rinse the soil completely.
- Fill the vessel with hydro substrate.
- Place plant.
- Fill the planter with substrate.
- Add water until the water level indicator has reached the mark.
Repot Cyprus grass
The plant grows particularly fast. Therefore, choose an appropriately sized planter. If the old planter is completely interspersed with the roots of the water palm and the roots are already protruding from the container, you should repot the plant as soon as possible. The new planter should then be a lot bigger - five centimeters is the minimum.
Before transplanting, it is a good idea to divide the plant and grow two new plants in separate planters. You can then use the original planter again.