Sandy soil - 6 tips for better soil

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Are you dealing with very sandy soil in your garden that makes it difficult for your plants to thrive? Improve your soil with these 6 tips.

A sandy soil that trickles between your fingers even after it has rained can be a reason why your plants do not want to thrive properly. A sandy soil has the major disadvantage that it stores water and nutrients very poorly. So your plants are missing the most important thing they need to grow.

There are various ways to improve soil quality and thus your harvest. Sometimes just adding more water to the soil isn't enough.

Possibilities for improving soil quality

Tip 1: Add compost

Probably the cheapest method is to add compost to your soil. It is best to create your own compost heap in which you collect green and kitchen waste and let it rot. The finished compost is rich in nutrients and forms humus to store water. Not only are you doing something good for your plants, but you also have less waste in the kitchen.

» When planting, always mix a little compost with the excavated soil before planting again.

Tip 2: Bring in horse manure

Horse manure behaves exactly like compost. It is also a wonderful fertilizer for your plants and improves soil quality. You can get horse manure cheaply from farmers or equestrian centers nearby.

Tip 3: Use water-retaining granules

With these granules you provide your plants with a water storage gel, which ensures that water is stored for a long time. This is an extremely good help, especially for plants that need a lot of water. In addition, this granulate is a good choice during the holiday season. So your neighbors don't have to stand and water in your garden all the time. A real relief for everyone. Testimonials and more here…

Tip 4: Make green manure

You can also use plants to add moisture to the soil. Simply sow lupins, vetches or clover in the appropriate bed in summer. The plants must be mowed before they become woody. After that you shouldleave them on the bed for a week. Then they have to be crushed and worked into the bed. Humus is thus added to the soil and lupins also provide the necessary nitrogen.

Another advantage of green manure is that these fast-growing plants ensure that weeds are reduced. Further information is also available from the Bavarian State Institute for Horticulture.

Tip 5: Loosen the soil

You should loosen up your soil as often as possible. As a result, the water no longer evaporates on the surface but penetrates deep into the ground.

Tip 6: Apply mulch

Mulch also helps to improve soil structure and protect the bed from drought. Simply cover the area with two inches of mulch and over time you should see a change.

» Mulch also has the positive property of tackling weeds without much work.

Sandy soil - Suitable plants

Sandy soil isn't particularly helpful for many plants, but there are still some species that prefer exactly these conditions. Carrots, radishes, potatoes, some herbs and especially asparagus like this soil and give hope for a good harvest.