Pine bark - the attractive mulch alternative from the south

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You like to mulch your garden and want more color at the same time? Then try pine bark mulch.

If you as a garden owner want to save yourself the constant weeding and want to suppress unwanted growth, you are more than welcome to use a proven remedy, bark mulch. But not only because the bark mulch protects against weeds, the tree bark is so popular with gardeners. In this article you will find out what else bark humus can do and what makes pine bark so attractive as an alternative to the bark of native trees.

Mulching - the natural way to supply nutrients.

Not only garden owners, but also nature knows the advantages of mulching. When the leaves fall from the trees and cover the ground in autumn, this is a completely natural way of mulching. Nature is probably less concerned with fighting weeds than with supplying the soil with important nutrients. This is exactly what happens when gardeners and garden owners cover the open spaces in beds between flowers and shrubs with bark mulch. Improving soil quality is probably the most important function of mulching. Regulating the soil temperature and natural fertilization, as well as reducing the effects of erosion, are other positive consequences of applying bark mulch in the garden. NABU has listed further points with which you can actively practice nature conservation in the garden and thus help the environment. Many ideas can be implemented quickly and easily.

Pine bark brings color to the garden.

Conventional mulch products are usually the bark of native trees such as pine and spruce. Not only on the ground, but also when it comes to filling a raised bed and applying bark mulch to protect plants and soil, the mulch made from the bark of these trees is often the first choice.

But there are also attractive alternatives. The outer skin of the Mediterranean pine is becoming increasingly popular, and rightly so. The pine bark is characterized by an elegant orange-red color, an extremely pleasant smell and numerous other advantages. Flower beds and paths covered with pine mulchare covered, are fully protected and look particularly good at the same time.

More durability means less work.

In addition to the aesthetic and olfactory advantages, the bark mulch of the pine also scores on a completely different level. Pine bark is significantly more durable than the bark humus of other tree species. Depending on whether the pine bark is coarse or fine-grained, it will provide protection and an attractive appearance to your garden for several years. The bark mulch from other trees and shrubs usually lasts little more than a year. After that it needs to be refreshed. This is not only associated with a lot of work, but also with some costs. The higher price of pine bark compared to bark mulch from pine or spruce is clearly put into perspective by the longer durability. The grain plays an important role in durability. The choices are:

  • Fine grits up to max. 15 mm
  • Medium grits between 15 and 25 mm
  • Coarse grits up to 40 mm
  • Decorative bark mulch between 40 and 60 mm

The coarser the grain, the slower the material decomposes. Due to the accelerated decomposition, the pine bark mulch needs to be renewed less often.

The optically suitable grain for every area.

Whether the bark mulch should be coarse or rather fine-grained primarily depends on where it is applied. A fine grain is particularly suitable for mini raised beds, flower boxes and other planters. If you want to make borders, rock gardens or small beds attractive and protect them, a medium grain size is the perfect choice. However, if there are paths or large areas between bushes, under trees and other garden areas, coarse pine bark mulch should be used.

The basic rule here is that the larger the area to be covered, the coarser the grain of the bark humus.

Set colored accents with pine mulch instead of gray bark mulch.

Regardless of grain size and location, pine bark is a mulch that is used as a long-term fertilizer and frost protection just as successfully as an effective means of preventing weed growth. But what also distinguishes the pine bark is its attractive orange-red color. From an aesthetic point of view, pine mulch therefore has a decisive advantage over the gray bark of other trees. If you want to color your garden with bark mulch, you can't avoid pine bark. That pine bark is also really goodsmells and exudes a Mediterranean scent also contributes to its increasing popularity. A great supplier of pine bark is the experts at Paligo.

Pine bark mulch makes the garden he althier and more attractive.

Pine bark mulch ensures a he althy soil and prevents weeds and other unwanted plants from entering. Pine bark is a particularly high-quality bark mulch that is characterized by a high level of protection, durability and an attractive appearance. So it's definitely worth taking a closer look at the pleasantly scented Mediterranean alternative to gray pine and spruce bark mulch.