Planting, caring for, harvesting and storing Chinese cabbage

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With the Chinese cabbage you get a nutrient-rich vegetable in the garden. We will show you what needs to be considered from propagation to storage.

Chinese cabbage has many names: Japanese cabbage, Peking cabbage or celery cabbage. The use of the plant, which is reminiscent of savoy cabbage, appears to be almost as complex. Chinese cabbage is preferably harvested in autumn and can be stored well. This makes Chinese cabbage an enrichment in the vegetable garden and a he althy and crunchy vegetable that can be eaten as a salad or cooked.

Origin of Chinese Cabbage

The name of the plant leaves no doubt as to its origin. The cruciferous plants have been cultivated in Asia since the 5th century. In Europe, on the other hand, people knew nothing about the "white vegetable" as the Koreans call Chinese cabbage until the late 19th century.

Chinese cabbage was probably created by crossing Asian pak choi and local turnips. Cultivation is uncomplicated and can even be done all year round.

Location and soil for the Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage thrives in a sunny or partially shaded location. A sheltered location is important. The soil should be loose, deep and rich in content.

You can easily find out whether the soil conditions are ideal by determining the pH value. Corresponding test kits are available in every hardware and garden store. Values between six and seven correspond to the needs of the plant.

Planting and sowing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage can be sown in midsummer. Due to its tendency to shoot, sowing should not be started earlier. The sowing depth is one to two centimetres.

During cultivation, a distinction can be made between good and bad plant neighbors

ideal plant neighbors unsuitable plant neighbors

The germination period is six to eight days.

Tip: The soil must not dry out. The seedlings must be watered regularly.

Distances of between 30 and 40 centimeters must be maintained when planting in the bed. It takes 80 to 90 days before the Chinese cabbage can be harvested.

Tip: Cultivation at the same site should be done at intervals of three years.

Caring for Chinese cabbage

Cultivation should take place in loose and nutrient-rich soil. Therefore the soil should be enriched with compost or horn shavings.

When the Chinese cabbage develops its head, the moisture requirement is highest and it should be watered regularly.

Popular varieties briefly introduced

  • Bilko: This variety is widespread and produces high yields. Fixed and short heads are characteristic. This Chinese cabbage is rarely attacked by clubroot root disease. You can store your harvest for a long time.
  • Harmony: This variety also stores well and keeps for several weeks in a cool and humid place.
  • Autumn Fun: This type of cabbage is also not affected by clubroot root disease. The outer leaves are rich green. The inner leaves are yellowish and particularly tender.
  • Richi: This variety can be grown as early as April. Early cultivation, however, comes at the expense of storability.

Detect diseases and pests on Chinese cabbage

We have already referred to clubroot. At risk are plants that have not been cultivated according to crop rotation and are grown in beds where cabbage was already cultivated last season.

Tip: Loosening the soil regularly can prevent clubroot.

The following pests can occur on Chinese cabbage and endanger its growth:

  • Aphids
  • Cabbage Flies
  • Earth Fleas
  • Whitefly
  • Cabbage White Caterpillars

Harvest Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage with mostly harvested in October. The ideal time to harvest is when the cabbages are completely closed. The whole head of cabbage is cut off close to the ground. The outer, hard leaves can be removed if necessary.

Tip: Earlier harvests are possible because Chinese cabbage is growing again.

If you want to store the plants, it is advisable to harvest them together with the root ball.

Chinese cabbage and its importance as a foodstuff

Chinese cabbage is valued for its mild taste. The vegetables are easily digestible and rich in valuable ingredients.

  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin C (half of lemon)
  • Vitamin E (cell protection)
  • Niacin
  • Biotin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • folic acid
  • Mustard oils (natural antibiotic)

Preparation raw in salads should be favoured, as all the nutrients are preserved. Chinese cabbage is also suitable for vegetable dishes. A short cooking time preserves the crunchiness of the leaves.

Tip: The cooking water from the Chinese cabbage can be used to refine soups and sauces.

Storing Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage is best stored in a cool room with high humidity. Rooted plants can be stored for several months if kept in boxes with moist sand. The cabbages can also be wrapped individually in newspaper and stored upright in a wooden box. Trimmed cabbage heads can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. Wrapping it in a damp cloth prevents the leaves from wilting.

Tip: Check the stored vegetables regularly and remove any stained or discolored leaves.