Planting, caring for and propagating Kalanchoe

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The Kalanchoe is originally native to Madagascar and impresses with its bright petals and easy care.

The Flammende Käthchen (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) bears the German name because of its bright flowers, which are available in more than 200 varieties in a wide variety of colors. What all species of the Kalanchoe genus have in common is that they belong to the succulent family.

Looks of Flaming Katie

Typically, kalancholes are short-day plants that bloom only during the winter. In Germany, however, flowers are offered that will delight you with colorful blossoms all year round. The well-known and popular colors include:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Pink
  • Orange
  • double flowering

The Flammende Käthchen stands out from its surroundings not only with its colorful flowers but also with its succulent leaves, which are either entire or notched. The growth height ends at about the height of a DIN A4 sheet.

The most common species is called Kalanchoe blossfeldian. In addition to this, the Madagascar bell (Kalanchoe minimata) is relatively well known and just as easy to care for as the Flammende Käthchen.

Location for the Kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe is ideally placed in a bright place with temperatures between 18 and 20 degrees. Locations with strong midday sun and the associated heat should be avoided. In winter you can drop the temperatures down to 15 degrees. However, the tropical plant is not hardy.

Tip: Flower formation can be stimulated from November with the so-called short day. To do this, allow the flaming Käthchen a maximum of nine hours of light per day for about one and a half months at temperatures between 16 and 18 degrees.

Suitable substrate for the flaming Katy

Cactus soil is a good substrate for the Kalanchoe. That often consists of about a third of friable clay and fine broken lava. There are also crushed expanded clay and pumice. The decisive factor is the grain size, which provides support but also guarantees a loose soil.

Care for the Kalanchoe

The Flaming Katycan store water thanks to the succulent leaves and is therefore relatively easy to care for. During the summer months you can water as needed. You should water from below, as the leaves of the houseplant are sensitive to water from above. To do this, fill the coaster with water that has little lime content. Rainwater, for example, can be suitable for this.

Remove the water in the saucer about 15 minutes after watering to avoid waterlogging. During the colder months, the amount of water should be reduced so that the substrate is only slightly moistened. Then wait until the surface of the substrate has dried well.

The Flaming Katie's tough smooth surface keeps most pests away. Waterlogging alone can become a danger to the plant when its roots begin to rot.

Fertilize and Pruning

Between spring and autumn you can provide the plant with nutrients and minerals every two weeks with cactus fertilizer in the irrigation water. The end of the flowering period is ideal for repotting. Now you can also cut back the plant. In principle, you can always remove faded flowers.

Propagating Kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you can use a sharp knife to cut off the top cuttings together with two or three pairs of leaves during the summer months and place them individually in pots. The substrate should consist of a mixture of sand and earth. Root formation is stimulated at temperatures between 20 and 22 degrees.