Venus flytraps are undemanding plants that require little care. However, they insist on a hibernation. And there is a lot to consider.
The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) needs an extended hibernation for he althy growth. But what about the water and nutrient requirements and the demands on temperature and brightness? Even if the Venus flytrap is really very easy to care for, you have to pay attention to a few things during the winter. Only if you do this will your carnivorous plant eat insects fresh and lively again next year.
Recognizing time for hibernation
The Venus flytrap makes its wish for hibernation clear in an unmistakable way: Newly developed traps become smaller and smaller, no longer turn red on the inside and finally remain closed. When this time has come, the move to the winter quarters is pending.
Select Location
The winter quarters for your Venus Flytrap should be as bright as possible and have constant temperatures between 5 °C and 10 °C. The following applies: the colder the location, the less light is required. Cellar rooms with large windows, unheated stairwells and attics are possible locations. Living spaces with human comfort temperatures of 18 °C to 22 °C are unsuitable as winter quarters for the Venus flytrap. In addition, the Venus flytrap does not like icy drafts and sudden temperature changes at all.
Water little, do not fertilize
The Venus flytrap's water requirements decrease significantly during hibernation, but do not drop to zero. Water sparingly every two to three weeks and avoid standing water in the saucer. It is enough if the root ball gets wet from time to time. You don't have to water as soon as the top layer of soil feels dry.
Even in summer, Venus flytraps need little or no fertilizer as the plants get most of their nutrients from the insects they trap. In winter, the nutrient requirement is even lower, so fertilizer is generally not necessaryare. Reading tip: Caring for the Venus Flytrap - This is how the green huntress becomes really strong.
Also possible: Overwinter Venus flytrap in the refrigerator
Sounds strange, but it's true: The refrigerator is very well suited for the hibernation of the Venus flytrap. Follow the instructions below:
- Take the Venus flytrap out of the bucket in autumn.
- Remove traps (leaves).
- Shake out the substrate loosely and rinse off the root balls with lukewarm water.
- Wrap the root ball in three layers of damp, unscented kitchen paper.
- Put plastic bag over Venus flytrap and close with cord.
- Check the Venus flytrap monthly for rot and remove diseased parts of the plant.
- Get the Venus flytrap out of the fridge in mid-April and end the hibernation.
If you decide to use the refrigerator method, exemplary hygiene is a must. Check fruit and vegetables regularly for rotten spots and store foods such as sausage and cheese in sealed boxes.