Creeping Günsel - pest control and care tips

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Some pests and diseases can be hard on the creeping bugle. Immediate action and proper care are all the more important.

The creeping bugle (Ajuga reptans) is a hardy plant. You can literally watch him grow. The joy is not always unclouded, because the plants spread diligently via their root runners and quickly take over beds or lawns. With appropriate measures, such as bed edging or root barriers, this problem can be quickly eliminated. From time to time the garden bugle can also be visited by diseases and pests. We will now tell you what damage can occur and what can be done about it.

Aphid infestation

Aphids scarcely stop at any plant. It can also hit the creeping Günsel. Hobby gardeners who check their plants more frequently will notice the infestation early on, because the pests can be seen with the naked eye. The small insects live on the sap of Günsel. They pierce the leaves with their proboscis and suck out the liquid. Gradually, the leaves yellow and eventually fall off. In the early stages, treatment with a hard jet of water is usually sufficient to drive away aphids.

Repeat the treatment several times.

Control advanced aphid infestation

If the infestation is more advanced, the pests prove to be more persistent. In this case, spray the plants with soapy water. Commercially available sprays can also be used. Follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly so that the toxins contained do not cause any damage. In general, chemical pest control should not be considered the first option.

Aphid damage

The pricking of the leaves by the aphid also causes the virus to be transmitted. Young plants or plants that have already been weakened by care errors are further damaged as a result. Honeydew can also be a problem. Aphid excrement is an attractant for ants and other types of fungiare attracted to the sugary plant sap.

Ladybirds, parasitic wasps or lacewings are natural predators for aphids.

Home remedies against aphids

Home remediesExplanation
LadybugThe ladybug has a special fondness for aphids. A ladybug can eat up to 40,000 aphids in its lifetime. Asian ladybirds are particularly active in this respect and are therefore bred in a targeted manner and sold commercially.
GarlicIf the infestation is low, it is sufficient to stick a clove of garlic into the ground near the plant. Keep your toe halfway off the ground. If the infestation is already more advanced, prepare a garlic broth and spray the plant.
MilkMilk is also a proven household remedy for pest control. Mix milk and water in a ratio of 1:2 and spray the mixture on the affected parts of the plant.
OnionOnion broth can also help drive away aphids from garden bugs. Boil the onions and spray the plant thoroughly with them.

Spray the plants and they should dry off quickly. If the moisture stays on the leaves for too long, this can encourage powdery mildew to appear.


If the leaves of the creeping bugle are covered with a mealy coating, the plant is probably infested with powdery mildew. Here it is worth taking quick action, because the fungus is very stubborn and difficult to get rid of with simple home remedies. The best way to combat stubborn mildew is to use commercially available sprays.

As a fair-weather fungus, powdery mildew occurs mainly in warm and dry conditions. The mealy whitish coating spreads on leaves and flowers. In the advanced stage, the leaves turn brown and dry up. If the infestation persists, entire parts of the plant die off.

Parts of plants affected by powdery mildew should be removed immediately. Milk contains microorganisms that can fight the fungus quite reliably. Mix fresh milk and water in a ratio of 1:8 and spray the affected plant.

Prevent powdery mildew

➞ Maintain sufficient planting distance
➞ Plant buggies near chives or basil
➞ Sufficient nutrient supply
➞ No moisture can get onto the leaveslet
➞ avoid over-fertilization with nitrogen

Infested plant parts do not belong in the compost. Incinerate immediately or dispose of with household waste.

He althy and vigorous plants defy diseases and pests

He althy plants are less susceptible to diseases, grow vigorously and flower continuously. Optimal site conditions and soil conditions are the prerequisites for he althy plant growth.

Care Tips

By planting, you lay the foundation for the development of the plants. A sunny to partially shaded location is important for the creeping Günsel. A place that is too shady can be the cause of stunted growth and a lack of flowering.

The quality of the soil should not be neglected. The plants need fresh, nutrient-rich soil to develop well. The soil should always have constant moisture. This requires a sure instinct, because the soil must neither dry out nor appear too damp, because then waterlogging is inevitable. If the soil is too wet, root rot will result and the plants will die. You can ensure a sufficient concentration of nutrients by upgrading the soil with compost or horn shavings.

If you follow the care instructions given, the crawling bugle will rarely get sick and will delight you with its joy of growth.

Is there a risk of winter damage?

The creeping bugle is hardy and tolerates temperatures of - 20 degrees and more. However, this only applies to the plants in the field. The Günsel is often cultivated in planters and flower boxes. If the plants are to be overwintered here, you have to consider a few things.

Planters should spend the winter indoors if possible. The plants are not adequately protected from permafrost in the relatively small containers. If the plant pot or flower box freezes completely, any help will come too late for the plant, because the roots can no longer supply the bugle with nutrients and liquid.

Protect outdoor planters with garden fleece, brushwood or leaves.

Crawling bugle on the rise

Anyone who plants Creeping Bugle without studying the peculiarities of the plant is likely to be in for a nasty surprise. The plants spread quickly via their above-ground root runners. The groundcover does not shy away from other groundcoversor to overgrow entire lawns. If you use a root barrier or a bed edging when planting, the bugger can be slowed down in its urge to conquer.

Always remove the plants completely with their main root, otherwise the creeping bugger will soon sprout again.