Cherry tomatoes are small, sweet and delicious, and are especially popular with children. So that you can expect a rich harvest, there are a few things to consider when planting.
Tomatoes are not only delicious and versatile, they also have few calories, lots of vitamin E and valuable phytochemicals. However, not everyone has the opportunity to grow the nightshade plants in their own garden.
Cherry tomatoes also offer balcony gardeners an alternative way of stocking up on fresh vegetables. The cherry-sized mini tomatoes are also popular with children because of their sweet taste. Cultivation can be done in beds as well as in tubs on the balcony or terrace. Here you can find out everything you need to know about planting and cultivating the small vitamin bombs so that you too can soon be able to nibble on the aromatic mini tomatoes.
Optimum planting conditions for cherry tomatoes
❖ Location:
The right location is crucial for the cherry tomatoes to thrive and develop their intense aroma. All tomato varieties love the sun. Penumbra is less well tolerated and only tolerated during the cultivation phase. If you expect a bountiful harvest, place the cherry tomatoes in full sun, warm and airy.
It is very important when choosing a location that the cherry tomatoes are protected. If the perennials are exposed to rain and wind, the dreaded late blight can occur. So make sure you have rain protection. Cherry tomatoes do very well in a greenhouse or under a special cover.
» Tip: A roofed house wall is an ideal location for the mini tomatoes in the tub, which will continue to give off heat to the plants after a sunny day.
Coming soon:
- sunny
- light
- warm
- breezy
- protected
❖ Substrate:
Tomatoes are all heavy feeders. This means they are very hungry for nutrients. Poor soil would therefore be completely unfavorable for the small tomatoes. A nutrient-rich soil is particularly important when kept in a bucket. The offerSubstrate in the planter is limited and will therefore be used up more quickly than would be the case with outdoor planting.
The soil should be fresh and permeable. Therefore, loosen the soil well or move heavy soil with gravel or lava granules. If you have the ability to determine the pH of the soil. If the result is more than 6, you have found the right substrate for the cherry tomatoes.
» Tip: Tomatoes like calcareous soil and can therefore also be watered with tap water.
Play it safe when choosing the substrate with commercially available vegetable soil. You can also use potting soil and mix it with compost.
Coming soon:
- nutrient rich
- permeable
- fresh
- moist
- calcareous
- pH 6 and above
❖ Planting time:
You should be patient when planting cherry tomatoes. Only after the ice saints, i.e. mid-May at the earliest, is it time to plant the plants outdoors or in pots on the balcony.
» Tip: Temperatures of 15 degrees and more should prevail consistently when the cherry tomatoes from tropical regions are planted.
❖ Planting Instructions:
❶ Find the location
❷ Dig the planting hole
❸ Loosen up and enhance the soil
❹ Note the planting distance
❺ Insert plants
❻ Fill up the substrate
❼ Press the soil down well
❽ Insert a climbing aid
❾ Water the plant and mulch
First find a sunny and airy spot. In the meantime, you can place the young plants in a container with water so that the root balls can soak up moisture. The planting hole should be at least twice the size of the root ball. The substrate should be upgraded even before planting. You can add horn shavings and compost to the soil. This gives the young plant all the nutrients it needs and is supplied with an organic long-term fertilizer.
If you want to plant several cherry tomatoes, make sure they are planted far enough apart. If the plants are too close together, they cannot develop optimally and are more susceptible to infestation with fungi. Therefore, keep a planting distance of about 70 centimeters. This way the mini tomatoes get air from all sides and there is no build-up of moisture.
If no more bubbles rise from the water container, they haveCherry tomatoes are sufficiently soaked with moisture and can now be planted. Place the plants carefully in the ground. You can put the tomatoes in the ground up to their lower pair of leaves. Now fill in the substrate and press the soil lightly. Each plant now receives a climbing aid. You can use commercially available climbing aids for tomatoes or alternatively use a stick made of wood or bamboo. Insert this into the soil immediately next to the plant and loosely tie the first tendrils to it. After planting, the cherry tomatoes need sufficient water. So that the soil does not dry out too quickly, you can mulch it regularly.
» Tip: Experienced gardeners know a good trick: Place a few comfrey or nettle leaves directly in the planting hole. This provides the plants with nutrients and promotes growth.
Growing cherry tomatoes on the balcony
The cultivation of cherry tomatoes on the balcony or terrace is particularly popular. The mini tomatoes even thrive in the flower box in front of the kitchen window. You can prefer the seedlings indoors and start sowing as early as February. At room temperature, the seeds will germinate within 14 days. The plants can go outside in mid-May.
You should proceed as follows:
❶ Select planter
❷ Prepare substrate
❸ Water plants
❹ Choose ideal location
❺ Water plant sufficiently
When choosing the planter, you should make sure that it is not only of sufficient size, but also has enough drainage holes in the bottom of the container. If the irrigation water cannot drain off sufficiently, it accumulates in the planter and waterlogging occurs. This is not tolerated by the roots. The plant can no longer obtain sufficient nutrients and dies. So be prepared in good time and install a drainage system made of gravel or broken pottery in the bottom of the container.
The substrate should have sufficient nutrients. You can always mix the soil with compost and add horn shavings. To be on the safe side, use commercially available vegetable soil that has a sufficient concentration of nutrients. The planter is first filled with substrate to about half its height. Then insert the young plants.
» Tip: When planting, hold the cherry tomato at a slight angle and plant the tomato below the first pair of leaves.
After planting, the cherry tomatoes are in the tub orWater the flower box plentifully. There is a high demand for moisture, especially in the planter where there is only a limited amount of substrate available.
Do cherry tomatoes need special protection?
Cherry tomatoes tend to grow bushy and not primarily tall like conventional tomatoes. Nevertheless, provide the mini tomatoes with a climbing aid. Even young plants get these rods so that they are not kinked by the wind. The thickness of the rods can be around ten millimeters. In terms of length, just under a meter is sufficient for the rather small tomatoes. Do not tie the plant too tightly to the trellis. A conventional string could cut into the plant stems and damage or snap the plants. Therefore, use special plant binders. Alternatively, the plants can also be tied with raffia or old tights.
Cherry tomatoes definitely need a roof to protect them from the rain. If the balcony or terrace is covered, you are on the safe side. Otherwise, the construction of special protective roofs is worthwhile. If you only grow a few plants, they are well protected by commercially available tomato hoods.
Which varieties of cherry tomatoes are suitable for planting?
If you want the cherry tomatoes to appear bright red and taste super sweet, the “Angora super sweet” variety is a true classic. The cherry-sized fruits of "Benarys Gartenfreude" are also characterized by a particularly sweet taste. You'll be able to reap the rewards of Lady Birdy well into late fall.
How to add color to the game
yellow varieties
Gold Nugget
Tiny Tiger
Early Yellow Striped
orange varieties
Amish Cherry
England Orange
striped varieties
TigerellaPossible plant neighbors of the cherry tomato
Most of the time you will probably put your cherry tomatoes in a separate planter. When planting outdoors, it is important to remember that cherry tomatoes and potatoes do not get along. On the other hand, the direct proximity to marigolds or marigolds is an advantage. Not only does this make a pretty picture in the cottage garden, the flowering plants also ensure that the cherry tomatoes are not attacked by pests or fungi.
Care instructions for the cherry tomato
The young plants should be watered regularly. Otherwise the fruit may burst. The earth must not dry out. AtOn hot days you should arm yourself with the watering can in the morning and in the evening. Water generously, but don't swamp the plants. Waterlogging very quickly leads to root rot and thus to the death of the tomatoes.
Continue to provide sufficient nutrients. Fertilizing is necessary regularly. You can use commercially available tomato fertilizer or favor organic fertilization with compost and horn shavings.
» Tip: The need for nutrients is particularly high when the plants are already bearing fruit. Therefore keep fertilizing constantly.
❖ Is it necessary to use it regularly?
Pruning is an important care measure for tomatoes. Since cherry tomatoes naturally grow bushy, pinching is not absolutely necessary. However, if the plants develop a particularly large number of side shoots, it also makes sense to use the mini tomatoes. You can snap off the shoots with your fingernails. You only have to use scissors for stronger shoots.
» Tip: Wear gardening gloves when cutting because the tomatoes can stain.
❖ Beware of diseases
Cherry tomatoes are quite hardy, but not completely resistant to diseases and pests. Brown rot is the most common. The fungal infestation leads to brown-black discoloration of the leaves and later spreads to the fruits. Moisture favors the development of brown rot.
Other diseases:
- gray horse
- Break spot disease
- Fusarium wilt
One of the classic pests are the tomato leaf miners. Young plants in particular are affected. Buds and fruits are affected. Remove affected plant parts. The trade has also been offering special traps for some time. A certain attractant is filled into a bowl of water.
❖ Harvest time
Cherry tomatoes can be harvested from July. You will be able to pick the juicy fruits well into autumn.
» Warning: Only harvest ripe cherry tomatoes. Green cherry tomatoes contain the toxin solanine.
The whole grapes are harvested. This increases durability. Store the tomatoes dry and at room temperature. Tomatoes don't belong in the fridge, because they lose their aroma very quickly there.
» Tip: Store the cherry tomatoes separately from other fruit and vegetables.