Blood Ramper Recipes – blood-cleansing side dishes made with the knotweed plant

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The sorrel cuts a fine figure not only in ornamental gardens. It is also suitable for consumption in moderation. We have three delicious recipe ideas for you.

Rumex sanguineus is best known for its red-veined leaves, which are mainly found in the Mediterranean region. Similar to sorrel, blood sorrel was used as a medicinal plant many years ago and incorporated into various recipes. However, unlike sorrel, blood sorrel is considered milder and more decorative. It is therefore also used in fresh spring and summer salads, among other things.

The blood sorrel can be harvested from late spring to autumn. Only the young leaves of the plant should be selected, as they not only have a milder taste, but are also tender and pleasant to eat. Old leaves, on the other hand, quickly become too hard and develop a strong sour aroma.

Contents and nutrients of blood dock

Blood sorrel is generally considered to be he althy and rich in nutrients, just like sorrel. This is partly due to the tannins it contains, which can benefit digestion. At the same time, blood dock contains a lot of vitamin C, which protects against free radicals and can also strengthen the immune system. Blood dock has long been considered blood-cleansing, appetizing and digestive, which is due to these ingredients:

tanninsTannins have an astringent effect on wounds, making them contract better. In addition, bleeding is stopped better and the formation of wound secretion is inhibited. The antimicrobial effect makes it more difficult for bacteria to penetrate the tissue. However, tannins are also effective against inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract or mouth.
Vitamin CVitamin C supports the immune system and acts as an antioxidant against free radicals. In addition, vitamin C works well against tiredness or exhaustion. Vitamin C is also known to help the body absorb iron better.
Oxalic AcidOxalic acid is contained in various plants and mostly as a compound withrepresent potassium, magnesium or sodium. Such compounds, called oxalates, are also formed by the body's metabolism and are among the excretion products that have to be broken down every day.

Excessive consumption of oxalic acid therefore leads to kidney stones or other he alth problems.

PotassiumPotassium is a positively charged ion in the human body responsible for transmitting signals between cells.
HypereosideHypereoside is considered to be an ingredient in St. John's Wort and has an antidepressant effect.
Important: Sorrel has not only positive effects. You should therefore make sure that you only eat small amounts of the knotweed plant during the harvest season.

It is worth knowing that sorrel can have an antidepressant effect and can brighten the mind. This is due to the ingredient hypereoside, which is also used in antidepressants. This also explains why sorrel was used as a spring cure many years ago to “cleanse the blood” and leave depression behind. Sorrel has also long been considered a diuretic.

Recipes with blood dock

Red dock is mainly used for salad recipes. The slightly sour taste creates a pleasant freshness and variety, which is always welcome in spring. However, because the acidity is comparatively mild, the blood sorrel can be combined particularly well in contrast to the sorrel. Sorrel develops its unique taste best when the tender and young leaves are added fresh and are only briefly exposed to cooking in recipes. Sorrel is not only used in salads, but also in these dishes:

  • Soups
  • Sauces
  • Vegetable side dishes
  • Smoothies
  • Spices
  • Pesto

Tip: Blood dock is best preserved as a spice if you want to keep it for a long time. To do this, the tender leaves are chopped up as finely as possible and portioned. Then you can put them in the freezer and take them out if necessary to season different dishes.

Recipe: Red Sorrel Salad

Because blood dock should not be consumed in large quantities, it is used in salads at best as an accompaniment, rather than as the main ingredient. For a delicious blood dock salad, these ingredients can be used particularly well:

  • Young spinach leaves
  • Arugula
  • Rosella Salad
  • Pine Nuts
  • pumpkin seeds
  • Croutons
  • Vinaigrette dressing
  • Sheep cheese / Parmesan shavings
  • Radish

It is best to wash blood dock in cold water and chop if necessary. The same can be done with the young spinach leaves and rocket - but other types of lettuce can also be used. After briefly mixing, you can mix in a dressing made of vinegar, pepper, s alt and any other spices you like. Half a teaspoon of honey is recommended in this vinaigrette dressing to offset the acidity of the sorrel and vinegar with a hint of sweetness. Pine or pumpkin seeds can be toasted in the pan for quite a short time and then added to the mixture when cool to add bite and toasty flavors to the salad. Feta cheese goes just as well with the salad as grated parmesan. If you like it a little heartier, add fresh croutons.

Recipe: Herb Butter with Sorrel

If you like to prepare herb butter yourself and like to vary it, for example to provide more variety at barbecues, you can also use blood sorrel. In addition to a packet of butter, you will of course need a small bundle of tender sorrel leaves that are chopped up. Herbs such as parsley, thyme, chives and basil can be used for this. The finely chopped herbs are mixed with the butter using a fork until an even mass has formed. The whole thing can be seasoned with s alt and pepper or enriched with other dry spices. The finished herb butter can be spread very well in ice cube molds and then portioned. It should be refrigerated until consumed.

Recipe: Red Sorrel Pesto

Homemade pesto is ideal as a topper for pasta of all kinds, gnocci or together with ricotta as a filling element for ravioli. To make Pesto with Blood Sorrel you will need the following ingredients:

  • a clove of garlic
  • a handful of blood sorrel leaves without stalks
  • 200g roasted pine nuts
  • 250g grated parmesan cheese
  • half a teaspoon of s alt
  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil

Once you have peeled the garlic cloves, you can finely chop them together with the sorrel leaves in the blender. Now add the roasted pine nuts and crush them as well. Season the mixture with s alt, parmesan cheese and, if necessary, some pepper before adding the spicy parmesan cheeseis added. Mix on a low level until you get an even mass - the blood sorrel pesto is ready.

Tip: This recipe can also be made with wild garlic.

This is important to note when eating blood sorrel

Because of the oxalic acid it contains, you should avoid eating large quantities of blood dock. The onset of blood dock over long periods of time could prove to be harmful to he alth. It is therefore advisable to only use blood sorrel as a change from spring or summer dishes or to save it for special occasions. It is also recommended to always pay attention to the removal of the stalks, as these contain large amounts of oxalic acid and are not quite as tender as the young leaf. Sorrel should be cooked - if at all - only very briefly and with as little heat as possible. Otherwise the effect against free radicals is lost.