The pennywort feels comfortable almost everywhere. However, it does not tolerate drought. We will show you what is important when cultivating this plant.
The pennywort, or coinwort, is a water-loving plant, which can spread rapidly within a short time and forms pretty carpets with its bright yellow flowers. The plants are native to Europe and the Caucasus and are very robust and adaptable. Pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia) cuts a good figure in the rock garden, as it can be planted around the edges or as a pond plant to attract attention.
Small description of plants
Pennywort (Lysimachia nummuralia) | |
Growth: | 30 - 40 cm a year |
Growth: | 5 - 10 cm |
Usage: | Wood edge, open space, water edge |
Plant Supplies: | 35 cm planting distance, 8 to 10 plants per m² |
Location: | Sun to partial shade |
Floor: | fresh to moist, well-drained, normal garden soil |
The discoverer of the plant is hidden in the genus name. It is said to have been the ancient general Lysimachus. While this is a legend, the species name "nummularia" alludes to the coin-like shape of the leaves.
The pennywort is an evergreen, vigorous plant that forms creeping runners up to half a meter long. Roots develop at the leaf nodes and this allows the plant, which belongs to the genus Yellow loosestrife, to spread rapidly over the ground.
The small yellow flowers are on the flower stalks, which can grow up to three centimeters long. Rather rarely, capsule fruits are formed, which are spread over the water and by humans.
Distribution and Use
The pennywort is native to the temperate climate zones of Europe and Asia. The penny loosestrife is now sold all over the world as an ornamental plant. Pennywort is found all over Germany and some of it has gone wild. In the Allgäu Alps the plant grows up toto an altitude of 1,300 meters.
As a garden plant, pennywort is often found on the bank of a pond and is a popular ground cover. In the Middle Ages pennywort was called "Egelkrut" and was used to support wound healing and was also used in the treatment of lung diseases. In Eastern Europe, pennywort's importance as a medicinal plant has survived to this day.
The medicinal properties of the plant are generally considered controversial. The silicic acid it contains is said to help against inflammation. The plant is also said to promise help with rheumatism. For medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers are dried and brewed into tea or used as a decoction.
Plant Pennywort
Find a suitable location
Pennywort prefers a bright location. The plant does not like to stand in the blazing sun. A place in the semi-shade is ideal. Pennywort feels most comfortable when there is water nearby. Pennywort can also be used as an aquarium plant and can help to regulate the nutrient balance in the water. However, care should be taken to ensure that other aquatic plants are not pushed out and prevented from growing.Warning: Pennywort should only be used as an aquarium plant up to a water temperature of 25 degrees.
In the bed or balcony box, pennywort finds suitable neighbors with astilbe, larkspur, speedwell, spurge or purple bells.
Select ideal substrate
A normal garden soil is usually sufficient. Pennywort is quite frugal. However, the plant cannot cope with dry soil. Pennywort is one of the marsh plants and can therefore tolerate a permanently elevated water level.
The shallow water zone of the garden pond would be an ideal place. Fresh, well-drained soil is also beneficial. Heavy clay soils should be mixed with sand.
Planting pennywort - step by step
1. Select location
2. Prepare substrate
3. Dig planting hole
4. Upgrade substrate
5. Insert plant
6. Fill up substrate7. Press down the soil well
8. Water the plant
9. Fill up the soil if the soil has settled
The pennywort can be planted in spring and autumn. When choosing the location, it should be noted that pennywort grows quickly and also spreads accordingly. The distance to other plant neighbors should therefore be at least 30 centimetersamount.
Tip: No more than ten plants should be planted per square meter.
After digging the planting hole, the substrate is mixed with compost or horn shavings and thereby upgraded. After planting, it can happen that the soil settles and some substrate has to be filled up again.
The pennywort can also be cultivated in a bucket, but will not spread as quickly. If the plant is placed at the front of a bucket or flower box, the hanging shoots appear particularly attractive.
Tip: The "Aurea" variety also cuts a fine figure as a houseplant in the hanging basket.
An overview of the most important planting tips
Activity | Explanation |
Select Location | • Partial shade to shade • Edge of pond • Shallow water zone • Aquarium |
Prepare the ground | • fresh • sandy • moist • nutritious |
planting | • Planting time spring and autumn • Observe planting distance • Mix excavated earth with compost |
Caring for Pennywort
Water pennywort correctly
The pennywort needs a lot of water. The water-loving plant must not dry out and should therefore be watered regularly. Irrigation can be saved if you decide to plant at the edge of the pond or use the coinwort as an aquarium plant.
A partially shaded location at the edge of the pond is ideal. Here the pennywort can stretch its shoots into the shallow water zone and thus cover its water requirements itself.
Fertilize pennywort properly
Covering of the nutrient requirements of pennywort can already be provided during planting. Compost or horn shavings are mixed under the substrate. Fertilization can be done the following spring. If you don't have organic fertiliser, you can use perennial fertiliser.
Tip: If you use a long-term fertilizer, you only have to fertilize every three years.
Cut Pennywort
The pennywort does not necessarily have to be cut. However, pruning is a good way to slow down the vigorous plant's urge to grow. A cut is possible at any time. The pennywort will not take it amiss if the long runners are shortened before they overgrow the bed or lawn and crowd out other plants. A cut back leadsalso causes the plant to develop a bushy growth.
Tip: The shortened shoot ends can be used as head cuttings for propagation.
An overview of the most important care tips
Activity | Explanation |
Casting | • high water requirement • water regularly • ideal for planting at the edge of the pond |
Fertilize | • Compost at planting • Long-term perennial fertilizer every three years |
Cut | • Pruning possible at any time • Shoots can be used as head cuttings |
Types of Pennywort
In addition to the natural form, there are some cultivated forms on the market. The golden pennywort "Aurea" is extremely popular. The plants grow less luxuriantly and impress with a striking yellowing of the leaves. Aurea is popular as a balcony and indoor plant. The funnel-shaped flowers of the Goldilocks variety are particularly appealing. This species is decorative as a hanging plant and also looks good in a bucket.
Other cultivated forms:
Nodding loosestrife (Lysimachia barystachys)
The nodding loosestrife has white flower clusters that are slightly arched.
Snowy loosestrife (Lysimachia Clethroides)
The white flower spikes of the snowy loosestrife are slightly curved at the top.
Ciliated loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata)
The ciliated loosestrife flowers yellow and grows less than the natural form. It is suitable for borders and beds.
Golden Loosestrife 'Alexander' (Lysimachia Punctata Alexander)
Goldsquistle 'Alexander' has cream-coloured, variegated leaves.
Propagating Pennywort correctly
Propagation will play less of a role with the fast-growing plant. Before the hobby gardener knows it, pennywort has spread to such an extent that the only issue left is the regeneration of the plant.
However, if you want to multiply the pennywort in a targeted manner, there are three options:
1. propagation overRunners
Pennywort can be propagated within a few minutes by separating a runner, which has already formed roots, from the mother plant and transplanting it separately.
2. Propagation by Division
The plant can easily be propagated by dividing the perennial. To do this, the pennywort must first be dug up. The soil is shaken off and the root ball divided with a sharp knife. The two plants are then transplanted separately.
3. Propagation via cuttings
If the pennywort is cut back, there will be top cuttings. These are placed in flower pots and rooted there within a few months. Finally, the plant can also be propagated by root cuttings. This happens in the fall. The roots are exposed. In autumn, the hobby gardener selects a he althy and strong root and cuts it into sections about eight centimeters long. The cuttings are planted in the ground and will sprout again next spring.
Are diseases of pennywort known?
In fact, pennywort is one of the few plants that do not have to struggle with diseases or pests. Even snails are not interested in the hardy plant.
The biggest enemy of pennywort is drought. A sunny and dry location is not tolerated and leads to discoloration of the leaves. The leaves turn brown and become brittle. If the plant is too dry for a longer period of time, it threatens to die off completely.
Overwinter Pennywort
The pennywort is robust and hardy. No winter protection is required outdoors. Too sunny a winter position can cause the shoots to dry up. A pruning in the spring, however, makes the damage caused by frost quickly forgotten.
Tip: To prevent the pennywort from drying out in winter, it should be watered occasionally on frost-free days.
If the plant is cultivated in a bucket, a frost-resistant planter is important. If the planter is to overwinter outdoors, it is best to place it on a base made of wood or styrofoam and wrap a jute sack around the planter.
Tip: If the planter is placed at an angle in winter, excess liquid can run off better.