A garden does not only consist of plants that have to be cared for in the beds. You also have to take care of everything around you. This also includes the task of cleaning the rain gutters.
So that the water can run off the roof in a coordinated manner, it is provided with a rain gutter. And it is precisely these gutters that need to be checked from time to time. Especially when trees are nearby and cause the gutter to get clogged from time to time. If the gutter is full of leaves, on the one hand the water can no longer drain properly and overshoots the gutter, on the other hand leaves can clog the downpipe. That's why you should check your gutters regularly and remove foreign bodies.Unclogging the gutter
If rainwater flows over the edge of the gutter or only slowly trickles out of the downspout, then the gutter or downspout is clogged. To clean the gutter and downspout, you should do the following:
- Always clean the gutter first.
- Then pour water into the downspout from above.
- If the water flows out of the downpipe very slowly, then it is blocked. So you need to clean that one too. The best way to do this is with a spiral tube.
Grids and nets protect against blockages
If you want to save yourself this tiresome work, you can attach grids or nets to the gutter, which will prevent leaves and twigs from falling into the gutter and thus into the downpipe. If the wall of the house is planted with climbing plants, you should keep checking here as well, because they can damage the gutters and pipes with their force alone.