Hop is the star among climbing plants. If you would like to increase it, you have two options. Introducing them.
There are many climbing plants that can be used to beautify the garden quickly and easily. However, the hop is a very special climbing plant, as it is one of the easiest to care for and grows extremely quickly. In warm weather even 1 m per week is possible! For example, if you want to quickly green the facade of your house, then hops are always the best choice. In this way, you can create a true garden paradise within a very short time.But hops have even more advantages. Not only does it grow quickly, it can also be removed quickly. This is very easy, because in the fall the shoots die off anyway. And that in turn brings with it another advantage: the greening leaves no structural damage. But the best thing is that the hops are easy to propagate. So if you can't get enough of the plant or want to green up a few bare spots in the garden, you've found a quick and easy solution with hops.
How to propagate hops
Hops can be propagated in different ways. However, the easiest way is to propagate via cuttings and cuttings.
» Propagation via cuttings:
Prune back the plant stem in spring. However, do not then dispose of the cut off parts of the hop plant in the compost as usual. Finally, you can use the parts to propagate the plant. Simply dig the plant parts, also called cuttings, back into the ground. It is best to do this on the same day so that the cuttings do not dry out. Then press the soil lightly and water it. Roots will form after a short time.
» Propagation via cuttings:
You can also propagate the hops by cuttings. You can either buy these at a hardware store or win them yourself. For the last variant, simply cut off a 6 to 8 cm long shoot from the hop plant between February and May and then plant it in a small pot with nutrient-rich soil. Swelled peat is best suited for this.After planting, you must then cover the shoots with a plastic bag. This ensures that high humidity is generated. Then it's time to wait. If propagation has worked, roots should form within a few days.