Hibernating medlar in the bucket - this is how it makes it through the winter

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Pinestones outdoors are hardy and do not need protection from the cold. On the other hand, photiniae in tubs need some protection to survive the cold season.

While the photiniae survives even very harsh winters with temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius in the ground, it can be damaged as a container or potted plant. Young plants also need their own protection so that they do not die in winter. So when the cold season is approaching, take care of a suitable winter protection. This is the only way you can enjoy a wonderfully blooming photinia next year.

The dangers of winter

Container plants do not have the deep root systems available to outdoor plants. Of course, this also applies to the medlar if you grow it in a pot or bucket. The soil dries out relatively quickly during a longer dry period. If the sun is shining now, evergreen plants suffer particularly from it. The heat from the sun causes the water in the leaves to evaporate, which can no longer be replaced due to the dry soil. The result: frost damage. It is therefore particularly important that you protect your photiniae as a container plant in winter.

How to survive the winter

In the case of an older photinia that has been in the pot for a number of years, you must primarily ensure that there is sufficient moisture. In winter, water the plant as soon as the top layer of soil has dried. It is important that you only water on frost-free days and make sure that excess water can drain off. The soil in the bucket often freezes completely at temperatures of just under 0 degrees Celsius. In this case, casting is no longer possible.

To prevent the bucket from freezing, you can provide additional protection in early winter:

➜ Put a layer of styrofoam under the bucket. Alternatively, it helps to place the bucket on two blocks of wood.

➜ Wrap the bucket with fleece. You can also use bubble wrap. The layers keep the warm air close to the bucket and not escaping.

➜Now put straw or hay in the gap. You can also protect the root area with straw, leaves or hay.

➜ Put a few stones on the root ball so that the wind doesn't wear away the protection.

Older plants don't necessarily need their own shelter to protect the foliage. However, this is the case with young plants. You should also protect this in the upper area with fleece. With older plants, you can go this route if you are away from home for a few days and cannot ensure watering. The winter sun does not penetrate the leaves through the fleece, so that the moisture cannot escape.


Always remove the leaf guard when nighttime temperatures are not below freezing. The photinia needs light and air to survive the winter.