Klivia don't bloom as luxuriantly as they did back then. Sometimes they don't even bloom at all. But why is that and what can you do about it?

Klivia don't take a change of location well
Klivia likes a light to semi-shady spot with temperatures around 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. A spot by an east or west window where the midday sun doesn't shine is ideal. The blazing sun at midday could otherwise burn the fleshy leaves.
Once placed in this place, you should leave the Klivia there for the rest of its life. It does not tolerate a change of location very well. You are not even allowed to rotate the plant. So if you ever move them from their location, for example if you repot the Klivia, then put them back in the same direction as soon as possible…
Why don't clivias bloom so profusely anymore?
Anyone who has had Klivia before and still doesn't want to do without it today may have had the same experience as many others. Because compared to the past, the clivia are not blooming as lavishly and in many cases not at all. This is due to the well-insulated apartments. In the past, when there were no windows that could be closed so easily, the apartments were not as warm as they are today. Back then, people usually only had one fireplace or the heating was turned down, especially in the less inhabited rooms. Today there is a lot of heating everywhere. And that's poison for the Klivien.
If you store your clivia from October above 12 to 15 degrees Celsius, flowering may not occur. Therefore, place the plants in an unheated room and only bring them back into the warmth when the flowers have formed. So that you can enjoy the flowers for a long timeyou must avoid the care mistakes.
How to properly care for clivia
❍ casting:
The clivia takes a so-called vegetation break once a year. She needs this break so that flowers can form again in the coming spring. It takes place between October and January. During this time you only have to water your Klivie very little. Just enough so it doesn't dry out.
After this vegetation break, the clivia needs a lot of water again. So you need to water them regularly. But make sure that you don't get waterlogged, because the Klivia doesn't tolerate that at all.
❍ Fertilize:
As soon as the first flower stalks form in February/March, the clivia needs more nutrients. Now fertilize the plant about every two weeks with a liquid fertilizer. In September you should then stop the nutrient supply again with fertilizer.
❍ Pruning:
After flowering, the clivia forms infructescences with seeds. If you don't want to use them to propagate the plant, you should cut off the flower stalks at ground level when they have withered. In this way, the plant does not invest unnecessary energy in these parts of the plant.