Pinnives are among the most colorful perennials of all. With the right care, you can admire the sea of flowers as early as April.
Carnations are very popular with many hobby gardeners. It is therefore no wonder that the feather carnation is one of the most popular perennials of all. They don't get big, but the feather carnation can convince with a colorful flower picture. She shines in the most beautiful colors. Whether white, soft pink or strong red - the feather carnation simply impresses in every shade.
And the best? Carnations are commonly known as low-maintenance plants. And so the feather carnation does not require any special consideration. However, the location of the feather carnation is of great importance. If this is not chosen correctly, the plant can die.
General care instructions for feather carnations
Anyone who chooses feather carnations, also known as Dianthus plumarius, does not need to follow long care instructions. Used in the garden, in rock gardens or for green walls, the plant survives all year round even without additional water supply.
The spring carnation only needs to be watered in flower boxes, tubs or as a houseplant, as the roots cannot grow too deep. The same applies to exceptionally hot and dry summers.
The feather carnation has to be watered more often if it is kept in a bucket or in a flower pot by the window or planted on a slope. Here the feather pink does not succeed in drawing sufficient moisture out of the ground. However, giving it a splash of water is enough when the soil gets very dry. Fertilization is completely unnecessary and only needs to be carried out once in the spring, if at all. The undemanding nature of the cloves allows nutrient-poor and barren soils.
Tip: Always water the feather carnation directly at the root ball. Under no circumstances should you wet the flowers with the irrigation water.
Handling Spring Carnations in Winter
In the winter months, the feather carnation can easily remain in the flower bed and does not require any additional protection. Even fertilizing is quite economical. The plant is used to poor soil and comes with a shotFertilize in spring all year round.
Again, pot and balcony plants make a difference. The feather carnations are unprotected in these planters and can be endangered by the ground frost. Plant pots should therefore be placed a little higher in winter. However, it is enough if you place the bucket on two wooden slats or on a styrofoam plate.
Pruning spring carnations
If you want to preserve the magnificent blossoms of the feather carnation, you should plan a little time during the flowering period:
- Remove old blooms to allow the plant to breathe and make room for new buds
- If the spring carnations grow too dense, you can thin them out
- Thinning is done in spring or after the last flowering
- In spring, remove dead shoots and damaged leaves
- If the plant grows out and looks bare, prune it back by a third
Possible diseases of spring pinks
The spring carnation is not particularly sensitive. Therefore, you are unlikely to have problems with pests settling on her or the plant dying from a disease. However, this is only true if you select the correct location.
If you store spring carnations in shady and damp places, the plants will develop a fungus that can cause the roots to rot. The fungal disease does not occur in dry and sunny locations. If aphids settle on the feather carnation, you can spray them with a decoction of nettles. Neem oil (e.g. available here) is also effective against the pests. In order to preserve the flowers for a long time and to prevent rot in the area of the flowers, we recommend watering the spring carnations only below the leaves and flowers. If water settles on the flower, it rots faster. In addition, the leaves can develop yellow spots when the sunlight is enhanced by the water standing on them.