Weather influences can take a toll on wooden garden furniture. If the protective paintwork suffers, you should definitely replace it.
Wood is a classic that has always remained up to date. It is still a very popular material for garden furniture, which is due to the rustic style. Wooden furniture also blends in very harmoniously with the landscape of the garden, which is shaped by nature, and can score particularly well when it comes to durability and quality. Not to be scoffed at is the environmental compatibility of wood, which can be practically 100% recycled after disposal.Tropical woods are very durable
Trees can be found at many latitudes around the globe, and as different as the climatic zones that characterize these trees are, the wood used for furniture construction is also of different quality. When it comes to the weather resistance and elasticity of native woods, they often have a disadvantage compared to tropical woods. Because tropical woods in particular have an advantage here thanks to their environment.
Two examples of exotic quality woods that are very suitable as garden furniture material are:
» Rattan:
This wood comes from the Southeast Asian rattan palm, which is particularly noticeable in the local forests because of its long, stalk-like growth. Extremely pliable and tough, it has been valued around the world since the colonial era as the perfect wicker and support material for outdoor furniture.
» Teak:
Teak also comes from a tree found in southern Asia. The quality of teak lies in its naturally high resin impregnation, which gives the wood a similar suppleness to domestic wood that has just been oiled. This is particularly advantageous for garden furniture.
Wood needs a lot of care
As much as wood radiates an aura of tradition and comfort, the biggest disadvantage is the need for regular care. Wooden furniture can rot when exposed to moisture or be degraded by UV light. That's why it's mandatory that you check your wooden garden furniture for damage every gardening season.
Often isit's the paint that flakes off after a few years. If this is the case with your garden furniture, then don't just buy new ones, simply repaint them. It's not difficult at all. Just follow the instructions below.
How to repaint wooden garden furniture
Step 1 - Remove old paint layer:
First you have to remove the old layer of paint from your garden furniture so that the new coat of paint does not become uneven. It is best to use a paint stripper, a wire brush or, as shown in the picture, a grinder.Once that's done, you have to take a spatula and scrape off the last bits of paint.
Step 2 - Roughen the surface:
In order for the new coat of paint to hold well, you now have to roughen the wood surface with sandpaper or an electric planer. After sanding, it is important to remove any sanding dust from the surface. It is best to use a duster or a microfiber cloth.Important:
Never wipe the surface with a damp cloth, as the moisture will then penetrate the wood, causing the primer to deteriorate does not hold properly afterwards.
Step 3 - Prime wooden garden furniture:
Now you can prime your wooden garden furniture. Make sure that you always stroke the brush in the same direction. This will give you a wonderfully smooth surface afterwards.Then let the primer dry overnight. It is best to place the garden furniture inside. This way you can be sure that the neighbour's cat doesn't snuggle up on the furniture at night and ruin the paint job.
Step 4 - Repaint wooden garden furniture:
When the primer is nice and dry, you can finally apply the colored paint of your choice with a paint brush or glaze brush. Again, you should pay attention to an even application of paint in one direction.Then let everything dry well, place the wooden furniture back in the garden and enjoy the new look.