Gartenvlies: 3 tips for use

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Gartenvlies is something every gardener should have at home because it can be used in a variety of ways. Here are 3 usage tips presented.

Garden fleece is definitely one of the most important garden materials. It can protect plants from cold, prevent weeds, and also improve plant growth.

Garden fleece is not just garden fleece! This means that under the term Gartenvlies, films and nonwovens are now available in specialist shops for different purposes. The main difference is between:

  • a winter frost protection for the plants
  • a weed fleece (often also offered as a mulch film)
  • a growth film (similar to a greenhouse)

When buying garden fleece, we recommend that you pay attention to quality goods that optimally support plant growth. In addition, these types of fleece can usually be used much longer or can be used several times, which means that higher purchase prices can also be put into perspective quickly.

Garden fleece: 3 tips for use

❍ Usage Tip 1 - Winter Cover

An extra garden fleece is offered especially for winter frost protection, which gets the plants through the cold season well. These partially translucent and moisture-permeable fleeces are available in various sizes, with many foils also being suitable for individual cutting. The winter fleece is now even available with different decors, which can be used to create great winter landscapes or attractive Christmas pictures in the gardens.

» Handling:

The winter fleece is offered in the form of protective covers (sacks), whereby it only has to be slipped over the individual plants and tied loosely on the underside. The sacks are therefore also suitable for large trees and for overwintering potted plants.

You can also purchase so-called roll goods, which you can cut to cover individual plants. Then the fleece also over the concernedPut the plants upside down and tie them lightly. Here you should make sure that the state is as closed as possible.

❍ Usage Tip 2 - Weed Fleece

The breathable and therefore air-permeable weed fleece is certainly one of the most interesting inventions in the modern garden world. On the one hand, rainwater can easily penetrate to the plant roots, on the other hand, the fleece keeps weed growth in check. In other words, the weeds grow only minimally under the fleece and do not penetrate to the surface over a long period of time.

So the advantage is obvious - the annoying weeding is practically eliminated over a very long period of time, so you can now permanently do without chemical weed control agents! Furthermore, the weed fleece not only stores moisture in the soil, but also heat, which in turn is excellent for many foreign garden plants.

» Handling:

First you have to remove about 2 centimeters of soil from the unplanted flower bed and/or vegetable bed before you lay the weed control layer. Then you have to use the plants. To do this, you have to cut small slit holes in the fleece, which you can then fold up on the rootstock after planting individual plants.

Once the new bed has been created, you should spread bark mulch over the weed fleece, which is available in black, brown and dark green. Bark mulch also prevents weed growth.

This layer of mulch can also be easily combined with colorful natural stones!

❍ Usage Tip 3 - Growth Film

The so-called growth film protects the delicate plants from frost and pests, especially in early spring. When buying, you should make sure that the growth film used is air-permeable and water-permeable. Incidentally, you can clean the growth film after use and store it in a dry state.

» Handling:

Growth foil is available in different sizes in the garden store and can therefore be used during almost all growth phases of the individual plants. You simply have to put the foil loosely over the respective plants.

If you insert plant stakes around the plants, then the growth film can even rest there and does not have to be supported by the plants themselves.