Propagating silk trees - this is how it works with cuttings and by sowing

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The silk tree is a real eye-catcher in every garden. If you can't get enough of it, you can easily multiply it. Try it! You have two different options.

Your garden friend has a silk tree (Albizia julibrissin) and you can't get enough of it? Or do you already have one and would like to have another? The propagation of the silk tree is very easy. Even inexperienced gardeners can do this. The best thing is that you even have two different options. Because the propagation works by sowing and cuttings. Both methods work equally well.

➜ Propagation by seed

The silk tree flowers from June to August. After that, oblong fruiting bodies are formed that look like beans. In them you will find the seeds. The pods are yellowish to brown and slightly hairy. They grow up to 15 centimeters long. Take off the dry fruit pods and open them carefully. Keep the seeds dry, cool and dark until sowing.

❶ Start sowing from February. Before placing the seeds in potting soil, soak the seeds in lukewarm water overnight to encourage germination.

❷ Then fill some pots with soil and place the seeds on top. Cover only very thinly with substrate - the seeds germinate in the light and need light. Then moisten the soil, but do not soak it.

❸ Now stretch cling film over the pots or cover the vessels with a pane of glass to reduce evaporation. The pots are best placed in a bright place with a temperature of around 25° Celsius.

❹ After a few weeks, the first tender leaves will appear. When they are about 15 centimeters in size, repot the plants. Loose and humus rich soil is well suited.

❺ During the propagation phase, you must water regularly so that the substrate is always slightly moist. Make sure that there is no waterlogging.

❻ Wait until the young silk trees are stable and at least 30 centimeters high before planting outdoors. The climate must also be right: the young plants are sensitive to cold. If youIf you want to protect the tree safely, a bucket is ideal for the first few years of life. Then you can place the tree in a frost-free place if there is a risk of frost.

➜ Propagation via cuttings

Propagation via cuttings is just as easy. Here you have two different options. You can take leaf cuttings or cut root cuttings.

❶ Leaf cuttings are fresh shoot tips that have already formed a few leaves. Cut the cuttings to a length of about 10 centimeters and place the cuttings in moist potting soil.

❷ Root cuttings are treated in the same way. However, the method is only suitable if you have a silk tree in the bucket and repot it. Then you can cut off root suckers, preferably above a root knot.

❸ When enough new roots have formed - you can tell by the first leaves appearing - place the young plant in a larger container.