If you want your fuchsias to bloom magnificently from May to October, you also have to supply them with fertilizer. We clarify here which fertilizers are suitable.
If you want to spice up your garden with color, you can use fuchsias, for example. The flowers not only appear in the most beautiful colors, they also have an unusual shape. They appear from May to October and mainly have white, pink, red and purple flowers. In order for the flowers to form in abundance, you should support the fuchsias and provide them with nutrients. You can use different fertilizers and methods. We would like to introduce these to you in more detail below.
How to fertilize your fuchsias
❶ Fertilize fuchsias with liquid fertilizer
Fuchsias need to be fertilized regularly between March and August. The most practical is a liquid fertilizer, which you add to the irrigation water once a week according to the manufacturer's dosage recommendation. You can also take half the amount and water twice a week. Basically, the liquid fertilizer should be more potash and only contain small amounts of phosphorus.
Make sure you never water a completely wet root ball. Even hanging leaves at very high temperatures are not necessarily a sign of water shortage, but are used by the fuchsias as a trick against evaporation. Therefore, always check the root ball and only water or fertilize when it has dried a little.
❷ Fertilize fuchsias with nutrient s alts
Some liquid fertilizers have the disadvantage that, in addition to the desired nutrients, they have a high proportion of undesirable chlorides. If you want to exclude this danger, you can use nutrient s alts as an alternative. Nutrient s alts are mainly used in professional garden centers, tree nurseries and other specialist companies and are therefore mainly offered in large packs of 25 kg. Fortunately, some well-known manufacturers such as Compo or Ceraflor now also offer smaller packs that are tailored to the needs of hobby gardeners.
❸ Fuchsias withFertilize slow-release fertilizer
Slow-release fertilizers are very popular with many plant lovers because they require little work, but they also have disadvantages. The release of nutrients depends largely on how warm or cold the soil is. Especially at the time of the ice saints in May, the temperature drops so much that hardly any nutrients can get into the soil.
❹ Fertilize fuchsias with blue grain
For fuchsias that do not grow in tubs or pots but in beds, you can use blue grain as an alternative to liquid or slow-release fertiliser. However, blue grain should always be used sparingly. One level tablespoon is sufficient for 10 liters of soil.
❺ Fertilize fuchsias with foliar fertilizer
Foliar fertilizer is a special liquid fertilizer that you do not mix with the irrigation water but spray directly onto the fuchsia leaves. The method is particularly recommended for cuttings and young fuchsias as well as specimens with weakly developed roots.
You can find out everything else you can do to ensure that fuchsias bloom magnificently in our article Caring for fuchsias: How fuchsias grow and bloom luxuriantly and magnificently.