Lawn in winter - no entry!

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If you have to go out into the garden in winter, you should avoid stepping on the lawn. Especially when there is frost, because the lawn is particularly stressed in winter.

When winter comes, you shouldn't step on the lawn at all. The frozen stalks can break very quickly in winter when you step on them. This is not a bad thing, but it could be noticeable in spring because hardly any grass grows back in these places. Walking on the lawn also compacts the soil structure. This creates bald spots. Of course, all this only if the ground is frozen.

Lawns are very susceptible to damage in winter

In general, the lawn is very susceptible to damage in winter. Hoarfrost alone can severely damage the lawn. When ice crystals form on the leaves, they are deprived of water. At sub-zero temperatures, the water between the cells also freezes, severely damaging them. When the sun shines, the water evaporates at the grass tip. However, the water is still frozen in the ground, so the lawn cannot transport water to the top. The result: the lawn dries out.

Our tip: Lay running boards on the lawn

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that a few warm rays of sunshine will thaw the ground. It is also often thought that temperatures above freezing point would quickly thaw the ground again. But this is not the case. If you still have to step on the lawn because you want to go to the tool shed or something similar, then try to put running boards on the lawn. As a result, the weight is distributed more evenly and there are no individual pressure points. After all, the lawn should look pretty again in the spring.

Prepare your lawn properly for winter

When winter is slowly approaching, it is time to help your lawn through the cold season with special care. Now there is everything to do:

Mow the lawn for the last time:

If it's not very cold at night, the lawn will continue to grow happily and needs to be trimmed accordingly. From mid-October, however, it usually gets so cold that the lawn begins to hibernate and stops growing.That's when you have to mow it one last time. It is now important that you mow the lawn very briefly. A length of 4 centimeters is recommended.

Why so short? Because the blades of grass, if they are too long, are flattened by the snow. And that in turn can ensure that fungi and diseases spread. For example snow mold. That's why you have to remove the clippings. The same goes for foliage as well. If fungus or other diseases spread underneath, the lawn will develop brown or even bald patches.

Fertilize the lawn:

To ensure that the lawn survives the cold season unscathed, you should provide it with an extra portion of nutrients. It is best to use an autumn fertilizer with a long-term effect (e.g. available here). This contains a particularly large amount of potassium, which in turn strengthens the lawn's defenses. Fertilize the lawn before the last cut. So around the beginning of October.

Scarify lawn:

Even if the lawn is winterized, it needs air to circulate. Therefore scarify your lawn again before winter. Do not set the blades too deep, however, so that the lawn roots are not damaged. It is best to scarify the lawn in September so that it has enough time to recover before winter.