Turf turf is a good alternative to get a neat new lawn within a few hours. Laying is by no means only reserved for professionals. You can also lay smaller areas yourself.

The advantages here are obvious. On the one hand, of course, you don't have to wait long for the lawn seeds to germinate and the lawn to grow, and on the other hand, you don't have to deal with weeds with turf. That's good enough I think.
But before you can enjoy the sight of the finished lawn, it must first be professionally laid. So that this works without problems, here are a few instructions.
Laying turf - explained step by step
1 The most important thing when it comes to turf is the soil. You have to prepare it accordingly so that the lawn can also start well. If there is still old grass on your area, it must of course be removed first. It is best to start doing this in good time. The soil must then be loosened up well. Especially in the case of new building plots, the area has been driven very tightly by the construction vehicles. It is best to go through this with a motor hoe. In the case of very heavy soils, it is also advisable to add some construction sand. This increases permeability.
2 One day before the turf is to be laid, the ground must be raked. Make sure the soil is free of rocks and roots. Loosening up with a rake is important so that the roots of the rolled turf can anchor themselves in the ground as quickly as possible.
3 The last step in the preparation involves rolling down the floor. It must be sturdy so that the lawn can be laid without problems.
» My tip: When working on the floor, make absolutely sure that your surface is really level. Small bumps or dents can easily be smoothed out with a rake or an upside-down rake.
Laying turf

4 Lay the first sheet on a straight edge and unroll the sod lengthways. Now do this lane by lane. Rolled turf is laid in a bond (as with clinker brick walls or similar). Basically, you should make sure that there are no joints or overlaps. The lawn can be easily trimmed for curves and edges.
» Caution!!! Only walk on the freshly laid lawn with wooden boards. In this way you avoid spot compacting of the soil, which is very difficult to level out afterwards.
5 When the lawn is completely laid, go over the area with a lawn roller filled with water. First in the opposite laying direction and then again in the longitudinal direction. Here, too, make sure that you only enter places that you have already compacted in advance.
6 Not only freshly seeded lawns need a lot of water, but also turf, after all, it should grow as quickly as possible. Pour the laid area generously with water. About 15 liters per square meter is appropriate. The easiest way to do this is to set up a sprinkler. You can also do it by hand with a garden spray.
7 In the coming weeks you will need to ensure that you are well watered. We recommend watering the lawn once or twice a day. So the turf thrives very quickly. Walking on the new lawn is possible from the first day. However, it is only fully resilient after about four to six weeks.
And now have fun laying turf!