The snowball can become quite sprawling over a few years. If you want to keep your shrub under control, you should cut it from time to time. You can find out how this works here.
Beautiful large snow-white balls - This is how the snowball appears in many gardens between April and June. They are extremely popular and an absolute eye-catcher for young and old.
There are different snowball tree species, some of which differ in the appearance of the blossom. The most planted by the Germans, however, are the “Roseum” (available here) or “Eskimo” (available here) varieties, the ones with the large white balls. The flowers can sometimes grow up to 8 centimeters in size. When they fade after a month or two, the flowers are slightly pinkish.
Of course, anyone who has planted a snowball would also like to know whether it needs to be cut, and if so, how often.
Cutting a snowball yes or no?
Germans tend to disagree as to whether a snowball needs to be cut. Some gardeners feel that pruning destroys the viburnum's natural image. So let it grow as nature intended.
The others cut the snowball every year and thus bring the tree into the desired shape and also encourage stronger new shoots. Even if the snowball just gets too powerful, you should reach for the hedge trimmer every now and then.
It doesn't matter whether you are a nature lover or an aesthete - it's never wrong to remove one or two branches and flowers from the snowball.
Cutting a snowball step by step - 6 tips
❀ Tip 1: The right tool
If you have decided to air your snowball a little, then you should always use clean and germ-free tools. The degree of sharpness is also extremely important in order to be able to separate the branches cleanly so that no pests or pathogens spread.
➛ Extra tip: Clean and disinfect your gardening tools after each use. This ensures that no pathogens from other plants stick to the tools.
❀ Tip 2: Protective measures
Some varieties of snowballs are poisonous plants. Particular care should be taken with varieties that have small hairs on the underside of the leaves. These can fall off and trigger allergic reactions such as skin rashes and shortness of breath. People with allergies should be particularly careful when cutting the snowball.
So, as a precaution, wear protective gloves and cover your body with clothing. There are even professional gardeners who wear a respirator when pruning.
❀ Tip 3: Time and frequency of pruning
How many times you cut the snowball is up to you. If you like it very accurate, cut your snowball twice a year. If you want it to be a bit more natural, a cut is enough.
You should only cut back three to four years after planting the plant for the first time.
» 1st cut (for accuracy)
A topiary should be done before new shoots develop. Generally leave young shoots.
For those who love order, may do the first pruning in early spring (March). Only old twigs are shortened here, since most of the flowers will later form on the new young shoots.
» 2nd cut
The last cut this year is after flowering in June. Here you can now proceed a bit more radically. Cut off between 30 and 50 percent of the flowering stems above the young branches.
➛ Extra tip: You should not cut the real viburnum too far, otherwise it will not flower the following year.
❀ Tip 4: Cut back
If you've decided your snowball needs to leave a few branches, don't just cut away. Decide in advance which branches you want to cut.
With the snowball, it is important that you do not start shortening from the outside, but that you start in the middle. The incision is then made as briefly as possible above one eye, which usually points outwards.
❀ Tip 5: Where to put the clippings?
Snowball varieties with the little hairs on the leaves are poisonous. Do not compost, but dispose of properly!
A very radical pruning results in a lot of branches and flowers. You can easily dispose of them in the compost. If you shred the remains of the snowball, a good fertilizer is created in a short time in combination with the organic waste. (reading tip:Utilize green waste - 4 clever recycling tips)
But you need a shredder for shredding. Such a purchase is particularly recommended for small garden areas. Simply chop up the green waste and put it on the compost to save space.
» My tip: I bought my shredder a while ago (see shredder test). Since using it, the green waste on my property has been greatly reduced. Anyone who has to cut a hedge every year knows how much green waste can accumulate in just a short time. Another advantage can be seen in my compost soil. It is significantly richer in nutrients than before.
❀ Tip 6: Snowballs in buckets
If you have your snowball in a bucket on the terrace, you should definitely cut it regularly before the plant gets too sprawling and the shoots grow wild.
Keep cutting off wild shoots here. The old flowers should also be removed as soon as possible, as it simply looks tidier. Here, too, make sure that your tools are clean and sterile.