Eat, relax, celebrate… ? Owners of a roof terrace can count themselves lucky, as many areas can be skilfully combined here with the right garden furniture.
If you live in the city, you often don't have that much space to relax in the open air. For this you usually have to leave the house and lie down on the beach, for example. Of course, a balcony is also something nice, but if we're being honest: there should be a little more "space" to relax, right?
Everyone who builds or already owns a roof terrace is really to be envied. After all, high above the rooftops of the city you can really relax. Because a roof terrace offers far more space and therefore more opportunities to relax than a balcony. While only a small table and two chairs often fit on a balcony, several living areas can be combined on the roof terrace. In the following, we would like to tell you how easy it is.
Set up multiple areas on the roof terrace
Several living areas can be set up on a roof terrace. For example, you can easily combine a dining area with a lounge and relaxation area. All you need is the right garden furniture sets. Sets because a roof terrace offers so much space that it would be nonsense to place just a garden table with two chairs or just a garden lounger here, for example. Because if you have the space, it is best to plan enough seating for guests. You will definitely get away cheaper. After all, buying suitable garden furniture to go with the existing ones is usually really expensive. So set up your roof terrace sensibly from the outset so that you don't have to dig deeper into your pockets later.
We would now like to give you some inspiration that will show you what you can get out of your roof terrace.
❍ Dining area:
Saturday morning, the sun is shining - what could be nicer than aextensive breakfast in the open air? So get out on the roof terrace and get to a large table with enough space for the whole family. If you also like to have a barbecue on the roof terrace or generally like to invite friends and relatives over to dinner, it is best to opt for a somewhat more spacious dining area right away. At, for example, you will find seating groups for up to 12 people! So nothing stands in the way of a relaxed barbecue party with your loved ones.
If you want to have a large dining set, then it is best to opt for comfortable chairs with armrests. Because your guests will certainly sit here for a long time at a cozy get-together. And they should be comfortable. Of course, seat cushions should not be missing here either.
❍ Relaxation area:
Would you like to really relax on your roof terrace and be able to stretch out on all fours? Then you should definitely set up a relaxation area. Exactly means: treat yourself to a couple of lounge chairs with reclining function or sun loungers. So you can make yourself really comfortable, relax, read a book or just close your eyes and enjoy the peace and quiet. If you prefer lying down to sitting, sun loungers with an adjustable headboard are recommended.
If you like the South Seas feeling, you can of course place hammocks with stands on the roof terrace. These have the advantage that you do not have to attach them anywhere to the house wall or another frame. They are therefore ideally suited for a roof terrace. Placed next to some palm plants you will immediately feel like you are in the Caribbean.
❍ Lounge Area:
If you would like to enjoy the evening hours on the roof terrace and perhaps sip a cocktail with friends, then a lounge sofa should definitely not be missing on your roof terrace. In a set with one or more armchairs, it quickly becomes a real outdoor living room. Equipped with comfortable upholstery and a few cushions, you can make yourself really comfortable here after a relaxed barbecue evening with friends and enjoy the evening hours.
A lounge set usually consists of a sofa, armchair or stool and a matching table. Perfect if you want to make yourself comfortable on the sofa with your friends and offer a few cool drinks and snacks. The great thing is that you don't have to take the cushions inside with you in the evening. ThisAfter all, they are usually water- and dirt-repellent. Accordingly, the lounge set is always ready to use and therefore ideally suited for anyone who would like to set up a cozy outdoor living room on the roof terrace.
Important: Protect areas sufficiently from the sun
Once all areas have been set up, you absolutely have to think about adequate sun protection on the roof terrace. If you have set up an area near the patio door, an awning can be used as sun protection, for example. It folds and unfolds quickly and also offers protection from light rain.
Alternatively, you can stretch an awning over the entire roof terrace. In this way you can even protect several areas from the sun at the same time. When buying, however, make sure that you have sufficient UV protection. This is marked with the note "UV Standard 801". For more information on UV Standard 801, visit
If you are renting, ask your landlord if you can drill holes in the walls to install an awning. Otherwise, trouble can quickly arise. The German Tenants' Association ( also offers you help in this regard.
A parasol can also be used as sun protection for the lounge area. Although cantilever parasols have the advantage that you have significantly more space underneath than parasols with a central pole, they are also much more susceptible to wind, which is of course a very big disadvantage on a roof terrace. So it's better to opt for a waterproof parasol with a central pole that can withstand high wind speeds.
Then all you have to do is add plants and a few decorative elements to your roof terrace and the living room under the open sky is perfectly furnished.