Only rainy days for days and only a few hours of sunshine: how are you supposed to mow the lawn then? If you keep a few important points in mind, this too is possible.
Everyone knows that you should only mow the lawn when the weather is dry. But this is not always possible. After all, summer isn't nice and sunny and warm every year. We have also had a few summers in which it almost only rained. And even in late autumn, all green areas have to be mowed one last time. If you left the long grass over the winter, snow and frost would push the stalks down. And that in turn means that the load would suffocate the roots underneath. Reading tip: lawn in winter - no entry!Especially in autumn, however, it often rains for many days in a row, so that we often cannot find a dry period to give the lawn one last cut before winter rest. As an exception, you can also mow the lawn in wet weather if you pay attention to a few special features.
How to properly mow a wet lawn
➜ Mow the lawn, do not mulch:
One thing is extremely important: In wet weather, you may only mow the lawn, never mulch it. In this case, the wet lawn clippings would otherwise remain on the lawn. It is then not only heavy, but also acts as a cover at the same time. And that in turn has two disadvantages: on the one hand, the light would no longer penetrate to the blades of grass under the cover and, on the other hand, the persistent moisture would quickly lead to rot. It is therefore extremely important that you always use a grass catcher when mowing the wet lawn. Reading tip: Utilize green waste - 4 clever recycling tips.
And while we're on the topic of the grass catcher: It definitely has to be sturdy, because wet grass naturally weighs a lot more. As a result, mowing a wet lawn is also much more strenuous. Therefore, do not wait until the grass catcher is completely full, but empty it from time to time. On the one hand, mowing is less strenuous and, on the other hand, there is no unnecessary pressure on the lawn.
➜ Lawn areado not enter before mowing:
Never walk on the wet lawn before mowing, always walk behind the lawnmower. If you don't do this, the stalks will be pushed down and the knives can no longer reach them. If the grass is already flat from the rain, it's best to grab a rake before mowing and raise the stalks up a bit.
➜ select the correct cutting height:
It is probably necessary to free the knives from the damp clippings from time to time, as they often get caught there. It also makes sense to initially set the cutting height a little more generously and then reduce it to the actual height in a second pass. This also has the advantage that the lawn can dry out a bit before the second round begins.