To keep the garden looking neat, you have to get rid of your garden waste from time to time. It is best to use two containers for the compost.
If you want a well-groomed garden, you also have to regularly dispose of the garden waste. You can create your own compost for this, but here too you have to follow a few tips.It is best to have two containers for the compost. You can collect all waste in one and then compost it in the second.
- Coarse waste must be mixed with fine waste, such as lawn clippings.
- Mix dry autumn leaves with wet apples that have fallen on the ground.
- Nutrient-rich leftovers, like vegetables, go with nutrient-poor leftovers, like wood.
- It is also important that the compost needs oxygen and it must not be compacted.
- After three months, you can move the waste, for example by including a third container.
- Almost all garden waste can be thrown in the compost if properly cared for.
You can save yourself moving the heap if you mix the waste properly and pay attention to the tips.