Care for apple thorn: pruning, hibernation and diseases

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The apple thorn is an ornamental shrub or tree that is not only an eye-catcher when it is in bloom. Here we tell you what to look out for when it comes to care.

Easy-care, easy-care, apple thorn (Crataegus lavallei). Planting and propagating an apple thorn is as easy as caring for it. We have summarized the few aspects that need to be considered in this guide.

Anyone who buys a garden will certainly recognize chestnut, apple and cherry trees straight away - but since the apple thorn is often unknown to laypeople, we will first reveal in this section how you can recognize this plant.

The Crataegus lavallei 'Carrierei', also called apple thorn or tree hawthorn, is a large shrub or small tree, five to ten meters high, with a crown that can be three to five meters wide. During a vegetation period it grows 20 to 25 cm (in particularly good circumstances even up to 40 cm) straight up at first, later it can be umbrella-shaped with a spreading treetop.
During the blooming period from the end of May to June the little tree enchants with large white or pink umbels.

But be careful: some people find the smell harsh.

The leaves themselves are ovate and usually glossy dark green. In autumn (November, beginning of December) the leaves turn orange-yellow. At first glance, the one to two centimeter large fruits of the apple thorn look like small apples. They glow brick red and last a long time.

What do you need to know about soil and fertilization?

The good news first: No. As already mentioned, the jewelry tree is really frugal. Conventional garden soil is completely sufficient for him and extra fertilizer does not have to be bought either. But if you want to do something good for the apple thorn, you can work some mature compost into the soil in spring to provide the small tree with fresh nutrients. You will then be rewarded with beautiful light umbels and bright red fruits.

Tip: Thanks to its deep roots, it is also significantly less sensitive than other shrubs.

Water apple thorn

As undemanding as the tree is, it only needs it on this pointsome extra care in the form of water during prolonged heat without rainy seasons. Otherwise, its water requirements are in the middle range. Waterlogging should of course be avoided to protect the root system. This accommodates the easy care of the apple thorn.

Cutting the apple thorn - this is how it stays in shape

The otherwise very easy-care tree needs a pruning every now and then so that a stable crown is built up, which can easily carry the fruit and also withstand the weight of snow. In addition, you can determine the height and width of the apple thorn yourself.

For an apple thorn, experts recommend a pyramid shape and the promotion of leading branches. These ensure that the narrow trunk (in the case of a small tree) can carry the crown of the tree.

Note: The pruning is very important, especially with young trees. The remaining branches should be chosen so that the crown grows evenly.

If you prefer the apple thorn as a shrub or bush, the effort is less. Nevertheless, it must always be kept in mind that nearby plants have enough space. Aside from pruning the outer branches, it may also be necessary to thin out the center of the apple thorn from time to time. To do this, some branches can be cut out completely. Incidentally, the ideal period for this is February or March, before the shrub begins to flower.

Warning: It doesn't matter whether it's an apple thorn shrub, bush or tree - slight pruning is always necessary when the growth becomes too wild and bulky. Especially when branches are very close together, bark can slough off, creating open areas where, in the worst case, fungi and bacteria can settle.

Wintering apple thorn - cold is no problem

Hibernation of leather-leaved hawthorn differs depending on the planting location:

in a pot
Cold cannot harm a fully grown apple thorn. Young plants in tubs, on the other hand, are a little more sensitive. So that they survive the cold winter well, the little plants should be wrapped in a frost protection fleece or jute sack. In the case of extremely low temperatures, moving the pots to a sheltered place should also be considered.

in the ground
A great advantage of the Crataegus lavallei is its insensitivity to cold. Since frosty temperatures down to -30°C cannot harm it, no further measures normally have to be taken in our latitudes.

Apple thorn: Pests andDiseases

Fortunately, the hardy wood and leathery leaves rarely have problems with pest infestation.

The apple thorn's only weak point is fireblight. If the tree has fallen ill with fire blight, the time has come for more intensive care, even for the apple thorn. But how can the disease be recognized? And what can you do about it?

How to recognize fire blight on apple thorns

The tree suffering from fire blight makes a sad picture. First, the bacteria form drops of slime that attach themselves to the branches of the tree. It is also this slime that ensures the spread of the disease, which is deadly for fruit and ornamental trees. It can be transmitted by birds, insects and animals, among others. Another factor is contaminated and not disinfected tools for cutting the branches. The weather also plays a role in the course of the disease. If it is pleasantly warm and humid, the germs can multiply so quickly that the apple thorn can no longer keep up. Infection usually occurs via the flowers, but the shoots can also be a target. If these are injured, the bacteria have an easy time.

The advanced clinical picture shows withering leaves and flowers. This is caused by bacterial blockages in the water channels in the tree. The leaves of the apple thorn soon take on a dark, almost black color and bend downwards. Overall, the tree makes a burned impression.

Care for fire blight infestation

Once you have discovered the bacterial slime on the apple thorn, it is imperative to precisely cut back the affected shoots and areas. This must be carried out far into the he althy wood. The diseased areas are brownish in color. These areas must be completely removed.

Note: Fire blight is a reportable disease. Therefore, a laboratory test is recommended to confirm the diagnosis of fire blight. The orders of the authorities can vary, including quarantine zones, clearing and burning of the trees.

Prevent fire blight

First the bad news: There is no effective pesticide for the prevention of fire blight approved for hobby gardens.

A good ecological alternative is the use of organic yeast preparations. These deprive the fire blight pathogens of food and seal the base of the flower. So the pathogen can no longer be transported into the soilbecome and infect the tree. In addition, no harmful substances are transferred from the bees to the honey through these preparations.

Apple thorn FAQ - frequently asked questions about caring for the Crataegus lavallei 'Carrierei'

Finally, we would like to summarize the most important thing about this jewelry tree:

The fruits are not red but orange-yellow - is the tree sick?

No, that's quite normal in the first few years. The older the small tree gets, the more intense the color of the fruit becomes.

The fruits don't fall down by themselves - should I pick them?

No, that's not necessary. The advantage of this is not only less work, but also the long-term enjoyment of the colorful lease - because they often remain hanging well into the winter. Incidentally, the bird world also benefits from the care of the apple thorn: With its broad crown, the apple thorn offers birds the ideal place for nest building. Fortunately, the offspring are particularly well protected from cats and other predators here. The reason for this is the long thorns in the wood. Some bird species also eat the fruit of the tree.

Does the apple thorn have to be watered regularly?

Yes to the point of growing. After that, drought can no longer harm him. Long dry periods are an exception - here we recommend watering sufficiently.

Is waterlogging a problem for the apple thorn?
Yes! We therefore recommend drainage to drain off moisture in the ground or holes in the bottom of the plant pots if you keep them in buckets to avoid waterlogging.

Does the apple thorn have to be fertilized regularly?

If regular means more than once a year, no. In the spring, however, it makes sense to work compost into the soil around the apple thorn so that the soil is enriched with nutrients.

The leaves are turning yellow and hanging - is something wrong?

Unless it's autumn, the worst case scenario could be an infestation of pear jewel beetle larvae. These disrupt the water supply of the apple thorn, causing it to die. Incidentally, this infestation can also be recognized by feeding holes in the trunk, which are initially about three millimeters in size, but later also up to one centimeter. As long as there are still larvae or hatching pear jewel beetles, these can normally be combated with a biological insecticide made from neem. However, the longer the infestation persists, the greater the risk that the tree has been irreversibly damaged and will not recover.