You don't necessarily need chemical agents for the right pest control in the conservatory. It's much easier, for example with home remedies.
Control pests
Basically, you should regularly check your plants for pests. This includes not only the plants in the garden, but also the plants on the terrace, in the greenhouse and in the conservatory. You should not use any chemical agents to combat the pests, especially in rooms where you are staying. We have put together five tips for you on how to combat the pests.
Pest control in the conservatory - 5 tips
- If you spot scale insects or mealybugs on your plants, you can gently remove them with a sponge or an old toothbrush.
- No matter what pests you discover on the plants, if they prefer to attach themselves to the tips of the shoots, then cut off the tips without further ado. They grow back quickly.
- You can catch whiteflies by using Yellow Boards.
- You can also spray aphids and scale insects. The pests are wetted with a mixture of water, some spirit and a spoonful of soft soap. These then dry out and fall off.
- Sometimes just giving your plants a shower is enough. This will flush the pests away.
If you use beneficial insects, you should not apply the measures just mentioned because you endanger the beneficial insects.