You can easily cultivate forget-me-nots by yourself in your own garden. And in two ways.
In the case of forget-me-nots (Myosotis), the leaf rosette is formed first and the plant itself only begins to flower after the cold weather that follows. This cold period is particularly important for the plant.For the forget-me-not, sowing must take place in spring. It should be completed by June at the latest. You have two options. You can grow the forget-me-not either in seed trays or in a greenhouse.
Prepare forget-me-nots in seed trays
You can prefer the forget-me-nots in bowls from May. To do this, place the seeds in potting soil and press them down lightly. Never cover the seeds with soil, because they germinate in the light. Then place the seed trays in a shady to dark place in the house. But please note: the temperature must not be too high, because if it is higher than 22 degrees Celsius, the germination of the forget-me-not will be impaired. Temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius are ideal.
Stick to the points just mentioned and the seed will sprout within about three weeks. Until then you have to be careful that the substrate does not dry out. If the seedlings have become so strong and big that they are fighting for the space, you have to separate them. It is best to keep a planting distance of about 10 centimeters. You can then plant the seedlings outdoors in late summer or early autumn. Keep a planting distance of about 20 centimeters.
Prepare forget-me-nots in the greenhouse
If you want to carry out the cultivation in the protective greenhouse, then you should ensure good and constant ventilation. In addition, it is essential that you regularly check the thermometer if you have chosen the greenhouse as a breeding ground for the forget-me-not. Because the forget-me-not cannot easily cope with excessive fluctuations in temperature.
Forget-me-nots thrive best here
The forget-me-not has notparticularly high demands on the location. It thrives very well in a shady as well as in a bright location. Basically, you can plant it wherever you have enough space.
As far as the soil is concerned, it should be permeable and humus-rich. The soil should also be moist. The forget-me-not likes that very much. So feel free to plant it near water.
How to properly care for the forget-me-not
The forget-me-not must be watered regularly. Especially when it's very hot outside. But only water when the top layer of soil has dried, otherwise waterlogging could occur and the forget-me-not doesn't like that at all. However, you don't have to fertilize it.
Otherwise you should only cut back the plants after flowering, i.e. towards the end of autumn. This is important, because otherwise the forget-me-not will multiply by itself. If you want that, then you should postpone the pruning until next spring. Reading tip: 3 tips for self-seeding to work.