Laying a new lawn, but when?

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When the lawn has suffered greatly in various areas, it is often necessary to completely replant it in the damaged areas. The question that hobby gardeners keep asking themselves is when to need to replant the lawn


Laying the lawn again in late summer

Late summer is ideal for laying out a new lawn. Here, on the one hand, the sun can let its intensively warming rays take effect, so that the growth works quickly, on the other hand, in late summer there is very little danger that the new lawn will dry out too quickly.

The grasses grow very quickly at this time of the year and bushy and robust little plants will have developed by winter, which will also survive the cold season without any problems.

It is also important for the new planting that especially in late summer the growth of the weeds is more sparse and the growth of the young lawn plants is much less impaired than is the case in spring when everything - including the weeds - sprouts and thrives quickly and intensely.