If Strelitzias don't bloom, it's usually because they're still too young. However, other causes can also be to blame.

Reasons for the lack of flowers
wrong location:
A very common reason why no or only very small flowers form is the wrong location. Certainly, the Strelitzia will not die if it is in a dark place, but then it will not form flowers either. Therefore, as a first step, always check whether your plant is in the sun or at least very bright.
However, the location must not be too hot, although the banana plant likes warmth. In midsummer, for example, a location directly behind a pane of glass is not suitable. The sun's rays then create tremendous heat, which clearly exceeds the maximum temperature of thirty degrees for successful growth.
dry heating air:
The dry heating air in the winter months can also prevent the flowers from forming. Strelitzia need a winter temperature of around 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. Due to the cool temperature, the Strelitzia then automatically slows down growth and strengthens itself. And that in turn ensures that the Strelitzia flowers earlier. You can find out more about "overwintering Strelitzia" here.
Water shortage:
Another cause can be lack of water. Depending on the amount of leaves, the Strelitzia needs a lot of water. You should water them whenever the top layer of soil has dried. Waterlogging, on the other hand, does not directly affect the formation of flowers, but indirectly leads to a lack of flowers due to the root rotting - and to the plant dying.
An overview of possible causes:
- Plant is too young
- Location is too dark, cold or hot
- Plant suffers from heating or draughts
- Plant was not watered sufficiently
Tips for flowering Strelitzia
Tip 1 - Move the plant:
If the flowers have not yet developed, you should first check whether you are keeping the plant in the right place and follow all the care instructions. Feel free to move the Strelitzia to a different location as a test. Daylight is particularly important during the winter so that the first blossoms can develop.
Tip 2 - Fertilize Strelitzia:
Fertilize the Strelitzia regularly between spring and summer to prevent nutrient loss. Complete fertilizer is the first choice here. But beware: an oversupply can also lead to no flowers.
Tip 3 - Overwinter Strelitzia correctly:
In winter you have two options that affect the flower appearance. If you want to overwinter your bird of paradise flower completely and send it into the dormant phase, it will only bloom again in the late summer months. In this case, however, the plant must actually be cool. 10 to 12 degrees Celsius are optimal. In addition, the location must be bright. You also have to water the Strelitzia regularly. But only small amounts.
The other variant is that you do without the actual hibernation and the resulting dormant phase. In this case, the plant produces new flowers between December and June. If the plant is warm, you must continue to water it regularly and move it to a light and warm spot.
Our recommendation:
The dormant phase in winter makes sense, as this allows stronger flowers to form in summer. In winter, it is therefore better to opt for a cool and bright location and the reduced water supply. In this way you reflect the natural environment of the plant.