Orchids: how poisonous are they really?

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The orchids that we get in stores are only partially poisonous. Still, you should take precautions to protect young children and pets.

Orchids are among the most popular indoor plants. They delight with colorful flowers and an unimagined we alth of species. The joy of the plants is often clouded by doubts about their safety. There are increasing reports of signs of poisoning in cats and dogs, and even small children seem to be endangered by indoor plants. We explain whether orchids are really poisonous and what precautions should be taken.

No highly toxic varieties on the market

There are almost 30,000 different orchid species worldwide. In view of this abundance of different plants, the statement regarding the harmlessness of orchids cannot be generalized. Not all species that occur have been scientifically examined and tested for their active ingredients.

What can be said with certainty: No highly poisonous orchid varieties are sold in Germany.

Not for consumption

There is usually no danger from touching the orchids. Orchids do not have any toxic substances that could irritate the skin when touched or be inhaled. Even dead plant parts are harmless. Disposal on the compost is possible.

Warning: There is one exception, which is explained in more detail below.

If you study the labels of your orchids carefully, you will find the note that the plants are not suitable for consumption. If the plant parts of the otherwise non-toxic orchids come into contact with saliva and enter the digestive tract, he alth problems can occur.

There is an immediate danger for babies and small children, whose organism reacts strongly to the plant substances. Dogs and cats are also sensitive to orchids and can show symptoms of poisoning.

Tip: If you can't help it - the Karma Orchid has edible flowers. This is a special breed from the Netherlands.

Which parts of plants are dangerous?

The foliage of the orchid poses no danger. The flowers would also have to be consumed in bulk to trigger a reaction in an adult.

It often happens that flowers of the well-known butterfly orchid are used to decorate desserts. The Phalaenopsis is slightly poisonous. The effect is roughly comparable to that of nutmeg. Small amounts are harmless. Larger doses trigger symptoms of poisoning. A single flower is completely harmless for an adult human.

The toxins, mainly alkaloids, are concentrated in the roots of the plants. However, he alth impairments can only occur if the parts of the plant are consumed and enter the digestive tract.

Warning: The bitter substances contained in the tubers can cause permanent liver damage.

Orchids should therefore be placed out of the reach of children and pets. If children or animals dig in the ground and come into contact with damaged root pieces, the bitter substances can also get into the gastrointestinal tract when licking their fingers or cleaning their paws and trigger vomiting and diarrhea.

Be careful with small children!

In babies and small children, even small amounts of the ingested plant sap can damage the liver. In a household with small children, the cultivation of the spice vanilla should be avoided if possible. This plant is irritating to the skin and respiratory tract. Skin rashes can occur just by touching them.

Warning: Lady slipper orchids must not be touched. The leaf hairs secrete a poison which enters the body through the skin.

Keeping babies away from orchids shouldn't be difficult for you. Even with small children, it is usually sufficient to cultivate the plants at a higher pitch. Older children should be made aware that orchids are not toys, let alone food.

Orchids as a danger to pets

Houseplants and pets are a touchy subject. Many plants are poisonous to four-legged friends and fill waiting rooms in veterinary practices with people. Dogs and cats are naturally curious and get quite bored when their owners are away.

If the plants are knocked over and dug up, the roots are exposed and can be eaten.

Tip: CleanStatistically, cat poisons are most commonly caused by orchids and lilies.

While pet owners can do without orchids in their homes, the danger has not been completely averted. When cats are free, they curiously explore any terrain. Orchids such as orchids or orchids of the lady's slipper variety are also often cultivated in beds.

The following symptoms can indicate poisoning after eating orchids:

  • nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Visual disturbances
  • Skin irritation
  • dizziness
  • Liver Damage

These orchid species are poisonous to cats

Some popular indoor orchids are poisonous to cats and are unsuitable for a cat apartment:

Vanilla Planifolia - © Unclesam / stock.adobe.com
Bourbon vanilla is obtained from the seed pods of this orchid. Cats can be allergic to the plant sap and react with swelling of the mucous membrane or rashes. -

Oncidium Cebolleta - © SailingAway / stock.adobe.com
The plant has pretty yellow flowers and is called "laburnum" in its native South America. Eating bulbs or flowers causes hallucinations in humans. Cats react similarly and also show signs of poisoning.

Phalaenopsis - © faveteart/ stock.adobe.com
Butterfly orchids are the best-selling type of orchid and can be found in many living rooms. The flowers and bulbs are mildly toxic to cats, but not fatal. However, a visit to the vet is often unavoidable.

Pet Precautions

If dog and cat owners do not want to do without orchids, the plants should be placed out of the animals' reach. Cats are true climbers, which doesn't make this easy.

Orchids are in good hands on divided windowsills or in a conservatory that is inaccessible to pets. In addition, you should always collect and dispose of dropped flowers immediately.

As cats get older, they become calmer and are usually hardly interested in your indoor plants. With young cats, even more caution is required. The nibbling of the plants is a natural reflex, whichcan't be de-trained.

Provide the animals with enough play and activity opportunities and offer them a bowl of cat grass so that their natural instincts can be satisfied without harming the animals or the indoor plants.

What to do in case of symptoms of poisoning?

Whether and to what extent symptoms of poisoning become noticeable depends on the amount consumed and the physical constitution of the child or pet.

Because of their low body weight, animals show the first symptoms within an hour after consumption. It can take several hours for small children.

If symptoms of poisoning occur, see a doctor as soon as possible. In the case of poisoning of children, the poison control center can be dialled. The vet will help you with your pet.

On the other hand, you should refrain from administering home remedies that are intended to trigger nausea. This could result in dangerous circulatory collapse.