Like so many plants, the spice bark has to be cut every now and then. This is not a big art and is done quickly. Because you don't have to use the secateurs very often.

It is best to cut the bark in autumn
Regular trimming so that the cassia doesn't get too tall ensures good growth. Since the spice bark is not sensitive to cuts, you can't go wrong with it. A good time for pruning is in autumn, before the plant moves to its winter quarters (reading tip: Overwintering spice bark: This is how it makes it through the cold season unscathed). Then cut off about a third of the shoots.
By the way:
If you forgot to prune your fuchsias in autumn, you can do so in spring.
Spin off young sprouts of the spice bark
With young plants, pinching is particularly important. This will give you a densely branched, lush shrub. If this is not done, the cassia will only grow quickly and lose much of its charisma. Young shoots should therefore always be cut back shortly after they have sprouted. Further shoots then quickly form at these points. Go by feel. Above all, the look is crucial.
You don't have to do any more. Cutting a spice bark is a real piece of cake. You don't have to worry about doing something wrong either.