Catnip is a magic herb for humans and animals, but also an ornament in the garden. What effect does the Catnip have on cats and on humans?
Medical herbs were referred to as magic herbs in the Middle Ages. Few people knew about the healing powers of certain plants. And those who knew about it were denounced as witches or warlocks or even persecuted. Later, the "miraculous" herbs were grown in monastery gardens, from which monks and nuns mixed healing balm, tea or tinctures. One of the most famous "herb fairies" of the Middle Ages was the Benedictine Hildegard von Bingen.
Medical and medicinal plants have long since overcome the monastery walls and found a new home in many gardens. This also includes mint, which because of its nuanced menthol aroma has become indispensable in the kitchen.
We would like to introduce you to a completely different genus of mint here: catnip (Nepeta cataria), also known as cat balm, cat weed or catnip.
Catnip, a treasure at second sight
While the more familiar mint varieties bewitch us with their aroma, catnip has a wondrous effect on humans and animals. Hobby gardeners appreciate the real catnip as a perennial in the rock garden and natural garden, although the plant has a rather modest appearance. However, catnip becomes a treasure in the garden at second glance.
Catnip in the garden - planting tips
Restrained yet decorative, catnip presents itself as a blue-violet cavalier at the feet of roses. You can also place the Nepeta cataria (order here) with orange torch lilies. In this way you give the plant ensemble on the border a pleasantly soft contrast.
» Tip: By the way, catnip is frost hardy and robust.
The catnip prefers a warm site with dry loamy or sandy soil. It grows between 60 and 100 centimeters high. In addition, its green leaves smell pleasantly of mint and lemon. The flowers in blue-purple, but also in white, pink or yellow, are five together and form a calyx.
WhenIf you cut back the catnip close to the ground after the main bloom, then the plant is stimulated to a second bloom in late summer. This also prevents the perennial from sowing itself.Catnip - Effect on Animals
- The blossoms of catnip contain a fragrance, nepetalactone. It is similar to the sex attractant of insects. American researchers have discovered that the lacewing is obsessed with this attractant. This pheromone-like scent attracts the aphid hunter as a pollinator.
- Catnip is particularly attractive on cats. Some dance euphorically around the stems, tear up leaves or roll around on the ground underneath. Other cats are completely indifferent to the scent of this herb. If you have several cats in your neighborhood, you might want to consider whether this plant is suitable for your garden.
- However, the cat mine has a deterrent effect on plant pests and vermin such as fleas, mosquitoes and cockroaches. Catnip oil is even used as a repellent against rats.
Catnip - effect on humans?
- As a tea, the herb catnip has a relaxing, analgesic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and digestive effect. The tea also relieves symptoms such as insomnia, irritability and nervousness.
- For the tea, take 2 tablespoons of dried catnip and pour 250 milliliters of hot, but not boiling, water over it. Then let it steep for about 5 minutes. The tea tastes refreshing of mint and lemon. It can also be slightly euphoric.
- In addition, well-chewed fresh leaves of the plant bring pleasant relief to toothaches. And finally, the leaves can also be used as a compress for external injuries.
Catnip - facts and effects at a glance
❏ Is catnip a perennial?
The catnip is not only planted as a decorative perennial in our gardens, it also occurs as a wild plant in the forest or other, primarily dry locations.
❏ Is catnip dangerous for cats?
The cat weed has a stimulating effect on most cats. The active ingredient encourages cats to become active, some cats react euphorically. Therefore, you should plant catnip with caution and have no more than one pot of catweed in the apartment. The catnip does not have a dangerous effect on your darling, but it does for a long timeYou should spare your cat sensory overload.
❏ Is catnip dangerous for dogs?
No, the catnip does not harm the dog. However, when choosing a toy, you should also use special dog toys. Toys that contain catnip are made for cats. Dogs have a much harder bite so the cue ball etc. wouldn't last long.
❏ Is catnip poisonous to cats?
Catnip is not known to be toxic to cats. Therefore, in addition to the plant itself, cat toys with catnip can also be used without hesitation. But you shouldn't overdo it because of the "stimulating" effect.
❏ Is catnip toxic to humans?
No, catnip doesn't harm us humans. The essential oils in cat weed can have a variety of effects on the human body. The following properties are attributed to the medicinal herb: antispasmodic, digestive, analgesic, antipyretic, relaxing, detoxifying and diaphoretic. Anyone suffering from chronic bronchitis should also treat it with catnip tea and use the antibacterial effect.
❏ Can you eat or drink catnip?
Catnip can be drunk as a tea or smoothie, but it can also be eaten. The medicinal plant has an appetizing and digestive effect in humans. Catnip tastes sweet, but also slightly like mint. It is therefore often used to prepare salads and desserts.
❏ Is catnip perennial?
The perennial plant, available in different flower colors, is a perennial. If the Catnip gets a dry, sunny location and a little care, you will enjoy it for a long time.
❏ When does catnip bloom?
It depends on the variety. Most specimens have their main flowering period from June to July. But there are also varieties that show their first flowers as early as April and continue to bloom until autumn if they were cut back in summer.
❏ Is catnip hardy?
Catnip planted outdoors as a perennial is very hardy. If the cat balm is cultivated in a pot or tub, it should be protected with brushwood or fleece in winter.
❏ Can you cut back catnip?
If you want to encourage rebloom, it is best to cut back your catnip by half after the first bloom. In autumn you do not have to cut the catnip, because the shoots serve as protection againstFrost.