Foxglove - 4 peculiarities you should know

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Foxglove is a typical garden plant. But as beautiful as the thimble is, you have to pay attention to a few things and, above all, you should know the peculiarities.

The foxglove, Latin digitalis, is a very pretty plant to look at. The flowers in particular, with their magnificent colors, give every garden a spring-like appearance. So that you can enjoy this variety of colors, the foxglove needs a well-moistened location. For this he only needs moderate summer temperatures, just under 20 degrees Celsius are sufficient. But the foxglove also has its pitfalls that every hobby gardener should know about.

Quality 1

Foxglove is a biennial. This means that it forms a rosette of leaves in the first year and flowers only in the second year. This rosette of leaves is often mistaken for a weed, so be careful here.

Quality 2

Foxglove only blooms after a cold stimulus, the so-called vernalization. This means that it needs a frost period in late winter to be able to form flowers. If the winter was too mild, it may even be that the foxglove does not bloom in the second year either, but waits another year to do so.

Quality 3

Foxglove is poisonous! Here you have to be especially careful if there are small children in the garden. The plant can also be deadly for dogs and cats. The poison is not only in the flower, but in all parts of the plant.

Quality 4

You don't have to sow the foxglove, it sows itself. So just leave the faded stalks where they are.