Vietnamese coriander - insider tip in the herb garden

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We all know coriander. But do you also know the Vietnamese coriander? This is a real rarity that we are planting more and more frequently.

Both in the kitchen and in the garden, we hobby gardeners always like to try something new. Anyone who would like to test an herb that is still very rare and difficult to obtain in this country (at least when fresh) should bring a plant called Vietnamese coriander (Persicaria odorata) home. This spice plant is a real rarity. In Asia (his home country) the herb is already widespread. With us, on the other hand, it is still considered a special feature.

How does Vietnamese coriander taste?

Vietnamese coriander has an interesting flavor. It tastes like coriander in a milder form and slightly like pepper. So dishes get that certain something. For example, you can use it to spice up salads, Asian dishes or fish and meat dishes. Just try it out, maybe you'll get a taste for it. Cultivation is also quite easy.

Cultivation of Vietnamese Coriander


The plant, which grows to a height of 50 - 60 cm, originally comes from tropical areas and therefore prefers a lot of light and warmth. A semi-shady spot would also be fine. In general, however, it is always advisable to plant the Vietnamese coriander in pots. So he can stand outside in the summer and hibernate in the house during the cold season. After all, the aromatic spice plant is not hardy.

How to grow it:

1If you want to plant the Vietnamese coriander in a pot, it is best to use a ready-mix for herbs and vegetables as the substrate. When frost is no longer to be expected or it is the middle of summer, you can place the spice plant in the garden or on the balcony.

2Then it is important that you keep the Vietnamese coriander evenly moist. So the soil must not dry out. If you give too much water, then that's not too bad. The Vietnamese coriander toleratesthat.

3It also doesn't hurt if you fertilize it from time to time. When planting in spring, for example, it is advisable to work some compost into the soil. It is then advisable to use organic liquid fertilizer from April to September. You then have to administer this once a month. In winter, however, it is sufficient if you fertilize it every 8 weeks.

4When winter has come, place the spice plant in a warm and bright spot in the house. You can only put the coriander back in the garden when no more frost is to be expected. A little tip: just put the pots in the flower boxes on the balcony. That looks very nice.

How to grow Vietnamese coriander

Once you get a taste for it, you usually can't get enough of Vietnamese coriander. That's why it's always good to know how to increase it. This in itself is child's play and quick to do. Proceed as follows:

Cut approx. 5 cm long cuttings from the herb and plant them directly in nutrient-poor soil. Then water well, keep warm and cover with fleece until roots have formed. You can then transplant them into larger pots.