If you want to plant peonies, you should always do so in autumn. When planting peonies in the garden, however, there are a few things to consider.
More than 33 different varieties of peonies are known worldwide. They have different flower shapes and colors. In addition to red peonies (Paeonia), white and pink varieties are also available in specialist shops. You should know that a distinction is made between shrub peonies and perennial peonies. Tree peonies can grow up to two meters tall and retire in autumn. Perennial peonies are between 60 and 100 centimeters tall and also withdraw in autumn or winter. Both varieties are planted in the same way.
How to properly plant peonies
If you want to buy peonies or order them by mail order, you should do so in summer so that you can get the plants home in time, because the best time for planting is from the end of August to mid-September. Then do the following:
- Peonies grow best in well-drained, loamy soil. If you have heavy soil in the garden, make it more permeable with expanded clay or coarse sand. On the other hand, you can improve very light sandy soils by adding stone flour.
- You must loosen the soil well before planting. Then dig the planting pit. Two groundbreakings are usually the measure for this.
- Now you can put the peony in the planting hole. Do not plant the peonies too deep. The buds should be covered with soil about three centimeters. No more, otherwise the peony could not bloom.
- Finally, all you have to do is water the plant well.
How to properly sow peonies
You can also bring peonies into your garden by sowing them. The best time to do this is in spring. Proceed as follows:
- If you have obtained seeds from a peony, you should plant them in the ground immediately. Plant them in deep seed trays with sandy loam soil or cactus soil.
- Then place the trays in a semi-shady place and always keep the soil moist.
- As soon as theSeedlings show up in spring, you need to prick out the seedlings. Leave the cotyledons under the ground.
- You can then plant the young peonies in the garden in September.